How to Tighten The Breast with The Movement
Posted on | Saturday, July 30, 2011 | No Comments
The breast is one of the most important part on the female body. Women always want to own beautiful breasts to the public. How to maintain the beauty of breasts? How to tighten the breast is one of the ways that powerful enough to maintain the shape of your breasts.
With a few movements you can do every day can help you tighten the breast.
1. Push ups
To tighten the pectorals, triceps, front deltoid, and biceps. Starting Position: back parallel to the mat, the hands are not wide but just below the shoulder, the view to the mat, and exhale from the mouth. Second place: reduced body until your nose almost on the mat. Inhale through your nose.
2. Bench press
The position can be done in two ways, sitting (in the chair, mattress, or bed) and lay down. Starting Position: stretch out your arms to the side, parallel to the mat, bend your forearm forward until it forms an angle of 90? and exhale through the mouth. The second position: straighten your arms forward and inhale through the nose.
3. Butterfly
Can be done by sitting or lying position. Starting position: one arm to the side, parallel to the mat, bend your forearm up until it forms an angle of 90? and inhale through the nose. Position two: pull the arm to the front face, with the hands still forming an angle of 90?, And exhale through the mouth.
4. Pull over
Do this by sitting or lying position. Starting Position: meeting with the agency arm, the forearm is bent in front of the abdomen and inhale through the nose. Position two: pull both hands above your head and exhale through the mouth.
notes: Warm up first, before starting the exercise, with muscle stretching your upper body for about 15 minutes.
Do some core movements to help to help tighten the breast and can be used as a heating:
Movement 1
•Both hands holding each other in front of the chest. The left hand holds the arm just below the right elbow. While the right hand also holds the arm just below the left elbow, forming a rectangle.
•Push the right wrist to the left, left wrist and pushed to the right simultaneously until the breast muscle was moving.
Movement 2
•Extend both hands forward, bend the elbow with the palm of the hand into a fist.
•Move your hands up and down, inward, alternating between left and right, without touching each other, until the breasts feel up and down.
Movement 3
•Extend both hands forward, bend the elbow with the palm of the hand into a fist.
•Lift both hands up to the breast muscle was interested.
Movement 4
•Right hand upward and the left hand on her waist.
•Pull right hand back until the breast feels interested.
•Do it on the other hand.
Movement 5
•Raise your hands up with palms facing up, turn toward the front and back both hands to lift the upper arm touching the inside of the breast. So removing the breast from below.
Movement 6
•Both hands on the side.
•Pull the arms back as far as possible until the breast feels uplifted.
By doing your breast toning movements need not spend much money to beautify your breasts. You do not need to do surgery to tighten and enlarge your breasts that have a risk of endangering yourself.

Women Prefer Circumcised or Uncircumcised Men?
Posted on | Thursday, July 28, 2011 | 5 Comments
Women prefer circumcised or uncircumcised men? According to the study most women prefer men who are uncircumcised. circumcision is to remove the skin covering the penis. The doctors recommend circumcision for health factors, because the bacteria will attach to the inside of the skin covering the penis is easier to clean. Circumcision can reduce HIV Aids.
In my own, circumcision does not really matter because we can pull the skin covering the penis and clean it every day. If we do not have multiple partners why should be afraid of getting HIV Aids.
Some of the factors why people prefer uncircumcised:
Circumcision Decreases Sexual Pleasure
A questionnaire was used to study the sexuality of men circumcised as adults compared to uncircumcised men, and to compare their sex lives before and after circumcision. The study included 373 sexually active men, of whom 255 were circumcised and 118 were not. Of the 255 circumcised men, 138 had been sexually active before circumcision, and all were circumcised at >20 years of age. Masturbatory pleasure decreased after circumcision in 48% of the respondents, while 8% reported increased pleasure. Masturbatory difficulty increased after circumcision in 63% of the respondents but was easier in 37%. About 6% answered that their sex lives improved, while 20% reported a worse sex life after circumcision. There was a decrease in masturbatory pleasure and sexual enjoyment after circumcision, indicating that adult circumcision adversely affects sexual function in many men, possibly because of complications of the surgery and a loss of nerve endings.
Circumcision Removes the Most Sensitive Parts of the Penis
A sensitivity study of the adult penis in circumcised and uncircumcised men shows that the uncircumcised penis is significantly more sensitive. The most sensitive location on the circumcised penis is the circumcision scar on the ventral surface. Five locations on the uncircumcised penis that are routinely removed at circumcision are significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive location on the circumcised penis.
In addition, the glans (head) of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the uncircumcised penis. The tip of the foreskin is the most sensitive region of the uncircumcised penis, and it is significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive area of the circumcised penis. Circumcision removes the most sensitive parts of the penis.
This study presents the first extensive testing of fine touch pressure thresholds of the adult penis. The monofiliment testing instruments are calibrated and have been used to test female genital sensitivity.
Male Circumcision Affects Female Sexual Enjoyment
A survey of women who have had sexual experience with circumcised and anatomically complete partners showed that the anatomically complete penis was preferred over the circumcised penis. Without the foreskin to provide a movable sleeve of skin, intercourse with a circumcised penis resulted in female discomfort from increased friction, abrasion, and loss of natural secretions. Respondents overwhelmingly concurred that the mechanics of coitus were different for the two groups of men. Unaltered men tended to thrust more gently with shorter strokes.
How in your opinion? Please leave a comment.

Keep Your Skin in Order to Avoid Acne on Your Special Day
Posted on | Monday, July 25, 2011 | No Comments
Each one who is preparing himself for a major event in his life or who will be in front of the public eye wants to look very beautiful and attractive on this big day, for example: graduation day ,engagement day or wedding day ,etc.
So you can follow some simple tips to help you to avoid the problems that could occur with your skin especially on your special day.
Rosacea skin or Acne:
If your skin condition is like Rosacea or Acne, you have to visit a dermatologist before this big day by 3 or 4 months at least .This period to put your condition under control and give time to your skin to heal up for this occasion.
Sweating, Unwanted hair and Wrinkles:
Think of having treatments like Botox to control the excessive sweating and for the frown lines. You can use Artecoll, Juvederm, Restylane fillers for scars, creases, and wrinkles. Also you can make laser treatments to remove the unwanted hair or to remove blood vessels which are broken from your face .These treatments have to be used before the major event by at least 3 weeks, to develop the benefits of the treatment and also to resolve any side effects resulted from them like small bruises or redness. You can decide the time and the plan you are going to make with your dermatologist to put this time into your consideration before you begin these treatments.
New Cosmetics:
You have to test new cosmetics in advance to decrease the risk that could happen and the interference with the enjoyment of this event, like irritant reaction or allergy.
Sun Tanning:
You have to use sun protection as it is very important especially at the weeks before the great event to decrease the risk of having peeling or sunburn. You also have to be away from experimenting with tanning beds especially in the weeks before the great event, this is because the probability of having an undesired reaction caused by the U.V light.
Self Tanning:
You must avoid the first time usage of spray-on trans and the self-tanning creams for 3weeks in advance before the big event in order not to have unusual color created or allergic reaction from these products .But if you want to use them, so you have to test them about several months before; to get reliable results and be safe .Some self-tanning products can discolor fine clothing due to the pigments created by them, so it is better to avoid them within a week before the special day.
Sometimes there is allergic reaction or flare up of Acne before the great event you are waiting like the graduation day or the wedding day, so you have to arrange an immediate appointment with your dermatologist so he can help you by modern medical treatments .Many of them give you a high priority appointment in such emergency cases especially when he knows that there is a big event coming up .He becomes very sympathetic with such cases as he knows how important this event to you.

Should You Get Medical Help For Your Acne?
Acne can be a terrible nightmare for so many people. Acne does not discriminate, not matter what your age Acne can strike. When you have an outbreak, you want to be certain that the treatment you are using is actually effective.
Sometimes it can appear that you have spent a lot of money buying treatments that dont work, and you are left terribly disappointed by the lack of results, perhaps it is time for a different approach to your acne treatment.
Typically using commercially available preparations will be sufficient to successfully treat your acne out break, but there are some more difficult types of acne that need medical treatment. Sometimes even cases that might not appear to be serve might require medical treatment, if you are in any doubt the best thing you can do is to go to see your doctor.
Your doctor will be able to tell you whether you should visit to a dermatologist. This way you can be certain that your acne is getting the best treatment from a professional. This referral will also have the added advantage of allowing you to receive the treatment at a reduced cost, because your insurer will subsidize the expense of any medicine or surgery.
Another benefit of going to your doctor is that you will no longer have to examine piles of information, use trial and error to decide what is wrong with you and what treatment works best for you.
Before you consult your doctor there are a few things you should do to make certain you will be able to communicate your problem correctly.
The first step is to record the details of any acne treatment you have used in the past and every product you have used on your skin and what benefits you derived from it. You should also include details of how long each product worked for and how it cleared your face.
If your history reveals that you have not had any long-term success on your own, you should let your doctor know that. You might just be using products that aren't actually ment for your skin type, but not being a professional yourself, you don't know if something else is available.
Your dermatologist will be able to advise the acne treatment product you require to achieve long term results given your exact problem and this is just what you want, better results in the long term.
To summarize if you have any concerns about the effectiveness of treatment you are using to help with your acne out break, don't hesitate go and see your doctor he will be able to help.

Astigmatism Cause For Blurred Vision
Posted on | Thursday, July 21, 2011 | 1 Comment
It is one of the main reasons for having blurred vision which many people are not aware of. It is stated to be one of the common reasons for having eyesight problems. This condition brings nearsightedness or farsightedness along with it.
It is caused mainly due to irregular shape of the cornea or of the lens which is located behind the cornea and is called as lenticular astigmatism. The problem can be corrected by use of eyeglasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery.
To put it in lay man's term astigmatism means that the cornea is oval in shape instead of being spherical. The cornea in the astigmatism condition has two curves - a steeper and a flatter curve. This kind of curve spreads the light to two focus points instead of one, leading to blurred vision.
Astigmatism is said to be hereditary as many are born with oblong cornea. Being born with this defect can create problems for future. Astigmatism is also caused due to scarring of the cornea by performing certain type of eye surgery. It is also caused due to keratoconus - a disease which causes thinning of the cornea.
Astigmatism leads to nearsightedness (myopia) when the cornea is curved too much. The light which should be focused on the retina is focused in front of the retina leading to a blurry vision for distant objects. It also causes farsightedness (hyperopia), as the cornea is not properly curved. Here, the light is focused behind the back of your eye making nearby objects blurry.
You can detect the signs and symptoms of astigmatism when there is deformation in parts of the visual field. The horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines look blurred. It may seem to do less harm to you but if this condition worsens it is better to consult your doctor. If you are suffering from blurred vision or headaches, a doctor's consultation is very important. Rubbing or squinting is also a good sign to confer with your doctor. By practicing yoga the problem of astigmatism may lessen.
One of the most common types of surgeries used to correct astigmatism is the astigmatic keratotomy and LASIK. This kind of surgery reshapes the cornea which makes it right enough to focus on one point. The one thing that can be done to correct astigmatism is to get a surgery done as early as possible. Children are at risk to permanently loose their eyesight due to astigmatism. So the best solution for this is an early surgery.

Penis Enlargement Methods
Posted on | Tuesday, July 19, 2011 | 4 Comments
Penis enlargement methods commonly used adult males to increase his confidence when with a partner. Penis large, long, strong and durable is the dream of every man in the world. How to realize your dreams penis? There are several methods of penis enlargement, among others: Penis extenders, Enlargement exercises, penis pills and penis pumps.
Why do men require an enlargement? A common reason why men select to make use of penis enlargement methods is because they feel that their penis is not large to suitably satisfy their partner. Sometimes, over-exposure to porn may build a man's perception about a bigger phallus being better for giving sexual satisfaction to a woman. These are a quantity of the common reasons why a man thinks of going for a penile enhancement. Fear of embarrassment and criticism is as well as a factor that can turn a man towards these procedures.

Prohibition and Recommended for Acne Prone Skin
Posted on | Monday, July 4, 2011 | No Comments
Acne is a common problem that occurs in the skin. However, to overcome not be arbitrary. What is the cause of the appearance of acne? We all know that there are people who are paying less attention to their faces, but never have problems with acne. some others were very concerned about the face, but still face acne. Do things that cause some people prone to acne?
There are three main causes of acne. These three things should come together so there is acne:
- Sebaceous glands are overactive. Sebaceous glands function to produce the necessary oil to lubricate the skin surface. People who are prone to acne experienced excessive oil production.
- Exfoliation of dead skin cells are not normal. Epidermal layer of the skin regularly will shed dead skin cells through a process known as desquamation. In skin prone to acne, this process will take four to five times longer than the normal process of desquamation of the skin.
- Proliferation of bacteria. Propionibacteria acnes is a bacteria most often found skin with acne. In acne prone skin, the bacteria population is growing over the limit.
Here are some things that are prohibited and recommended in treating skin breakouts:
1. Exfoliation In treating the skin, sometimes peeling to be done. This is done with the aim of throwing all the dead skin cells to be replaced with new, healthier cells. You can get the product in accordance with exfoliation consult with your dermatologist.
2. Clean One cause of acne is dirt left on the skin pores. Therefore, clean the face thoroughly on a regular basis, so that no dirt is left behind and cause acne.
3. Using a moisturizer Pimples usually occur on oily skin types. Even so it does not mean you do not have to face moisturizer. Buy a special moisturizer for acne prone skin, such as those containing aloe vera. Ingredients in aloe vera can address the inflammation of acne and accelerate recovery.
4. Loyal to one product The habit of mutually beauty products will be also be a cause of acne. Products suitable for use treatment of other people is not necessarily suitable to your skin. Better to be loyal to one product that is recommended by your dermatologist.
1. Too often cleansing Ideally enough clean face twice a day. If too often, the skin's natural moisture it lost. The skin becomes brittle and susceptible to bacteria that cause acne. Better to wash your face with warm water without soap. So that the skin's natural moisture is reduced.
2. Wearing scrubs Cleaning the face with a scrub containing products is not a good solution to cope with acne prone skin. Rough scrubs can actually increase inflammation in acne worse. Better to use products that contain no scrubs.
3. Squeeze pimples Wrong if you think squeeze pimples will speed recovery. Precisely the opposite happened. Inflammation in acne will get worse and cause scars are permanent facial skin.

Acupuncture Treatment
Posted on | Sunday, July 3, 2011 | No Comments
Acupuncture treatment is very popular, because it has side effects are very small, but has considerable benefits for health. Acupuncture treatment does not use any chemicals, making it very safe. blood vessels and nerve points in our body very much, and these blood vessels that connect one part to another.It cannot be denied that with the rising pollution that the world is experiencing today, a lot of illnesses and health related problems have emerged as well. It is with this fact that most people find it unhealthy to be taking synthetic medicines that is why alternative medicines are sought after.
Perhaps the greatest disadvantage of synthetic medicines is the side effect. While it is true that these are administered for the treatment of diseases and ailments, unfavorable side effects cannot be avoided. As such, the most practical and safest way to treat diseases is alternative medicine.
One of the most popular alternative medicines is acupuncture. This traditional Oriental medicine practice is one form of therapy used within the coherent system of healing. The intent of acupuncture therapy is not only to relieve pain and treat diseases, but to promote health as well. Although the method with which the relief of pain is accomplished is strange and mysterious, acupuncture has been time tested over thousands of years and continues to be validated today.
The term acupuncture actually refers to the insertion of needles at points in the body other than the traditional ones. Acupuncturists claim that this Oriental medicine treats infertility, relieves pain, prevents diseases, treats diseases, promotes general health, and used for therapeutic purposes. More than anything else, acupuncture is a holistic approach for the treatment of all bodily systems.
Today, there are different acupuncturists all over the world continuing the legacy of this remarkable Oriental medicine. With certain health conditions, this therapy can actually be very effective such that the need to take drugs for pain or symptoms is even reduced or eliminated. Fortunately, anyone can enjoy the benefits of acupuncture in different parts of the world. In fact, there is practically an acupuncturist in every major city around the world. Thus, whenever you need one, you can just easily look for a certified acupuncturist in the classified ads, or even in the internet.
In the United States, there are different variations of acupuncture that are offered by various practitioners like Denver Acupuncture. As such, for any pains and discomforts, you can always visit the nearest therapist in your area. Whether you want a faster recovery from injuries, or proper circulation of the blood, acupuncture offers the best benefits.

Symptoms and Treatment of Breast Cancer
Posted on | Friday, July 1, 2011 | No Comments
Symptoms of breast cancer we need to watch out, because for the treatment of breast cancer is not easy. Do not underestimate the symptoms of breast cancer. If not treated immediately it will result in death. Spare our breasts with maintaining diet and lifestyle. Breast cancer is a malignancy that originated from cells in the breast. This mainly affects women, but did not rule occurs also in men.Symptoms and Signs
Early symptoms include a lump usually feels different than the surrounding breast tissue, painless and usually have an irregular edge.
In the early stages, when driven by a finger, a lump can be moved easily under the skin. In later stages, the lump usually adheres to the chest wall or skin around it. In advanced cancer, can form a swollen lump or breast skin ulcers. Sometimes the skin over the lump shrank and looked like an orange peel.
Other symptoms that may be found a lump in the armpit, change size or shape of the breast, an abnormal discharge from the nipple (usually bloody or yellow to green, may also be pus), change in color or texture of the skin on the breast, nipple and areola (dark brown colored area around the nipple), breast looks red, the skin around the nipple scaly, nipples are interested in or feel itching, breast tenderness or swelling of one breast. At an advanced stage may develop bone pain, weight loss, swelling of arms or ulcerated skin.
Eczema or erosion of the nipple. Attracted into the skin or nipple (retraction), pink or brownish to become edema that causes the orange peel, wrinkle and become ulcers. Ulcers enlarged and deep until he could damage the breast. Foul and bloody. Other features is the occurrence of bleeding in the nipple. Pain / pain when the tumor is large and ulcers arise. Then there is enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes, swelling of the arm. Then there was the spread of cancer throughout the body. Advanced breast cancer is very easily identified. Namely the existence of the breast skin is quite extensive. Edema of the arms, far metastases, ulceration of skin, skin edema, skin fixed. The existence of axillary lymph nodes.
Lymph system is one of the main ways to spread breast cancer. Breast cancer cells can enter lymphatic vessels and begin to grow in the lymph nodes. If breast cancer cells have reached the lymph vessels in the armpit (axilaris node), the sign is swelling of lymph nodes in the armpit. When this occurs it is likely that cancer cells also enter the bloodstream and spread to other organs. This can affect cancer treatment options from your doctor.
Nipple discharge. This symptom is an abnormal discharge from the nipple and spontaneous or so-called nipple discharge. Why is this fluid is said is not normal, not least because the normal fluid only out on pregnant women, nursing or taking the contraceptive pill. Characteristic of this fluid, watery bloody fluid, red or brown, out alone without massaged. Out with continuous in one breast. For those of you who have these traits must be alert and see a doctor immediately to prevent the cancer getting worse.
Prevention of Breast Cancer
- Primary prevention. Health promotion is healthy. Namely through efforts to avoid the risk factors above and a healthy lifestyle. Included is also a breast self-examination.
- Secondary prevention performed on women who have breast cancer risk. That is by early detection via screening with mammography is claimed to have 90% accurate. Screening policies for women aged 40 years or older, women who have to refer to screening every year and normal women should refer to screening every 2 years until age 50.
- Tertiary prevention in women who do positive breast cancer. It is important to improve the quality of life and prevent disease complications. It could be surgery, chemotherapy sitostatika. At a certain stage only a symptomatic and alternative medicine.
Cancer Treatment
- Mastectomy or breast removal surgery. Both the total removal of the breast and lumps in the armpit, breast pengankatan alone or partial removal of the sections contained only cancer.
- Radiation is the process of irradiation with X rays and gamma rays at the cancer. It serves to kill any remaining cancer cells after surgery.
- Chemotherapy is the provision of anti-cancer drugs. Both the drug in pill form liquid / capsules or intravenously to kill cancer cells.

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- How to Tighten The Breast with The Movement
- Women Prefer Circumcised or Uncircumcised Men?
- Keep Your Skin in Order to Avoid Acne on Your Spec...
- Should You Get Medical Help For Your Acne?
- Astigmatism Cause For Blurred Vision
- Penis Enlargement Methods
- Prohibition and Recommended for Acne Prone Skin
- Acupuncture Treatment
- Symptoms and Treatment of Breast Cancer
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