How to Increase Libido Naturally

Posted on | Tuesday, October 25, 2011 | 2 Comments

how to increase libido naturally
How to increase libido naturally There are several ways to increase the libido of men and women. Many of them involve triggers the release of endorphins, brain chemicals that are responsible for making us feel happy and powerful, even euphoric. Some of the same method also aims to reduce the effect of lowering libido such as stress, fatigue and poor body appearance problems.

How to Increase Libido Naturally with Exercise
Exercise, special exercises that improve cardiovascular capacity of the body, can increase the libido by increasing blood flow to the genital organs. Exercise also can help to reduce stress, which is often a barrier to the relaxation response are required to have a more active sexual life.
As a third benefit, exercise increases self-image and confidence. People who feel better about themselves and their bodies look more likely to have sex.

How to Increase Libido Naturally with Massage
A common form of massage offers some of the same positive effect as an exercise - increased blood flow, relaxation and decrease stress levels. Intimate form of massage practiced among sexual partners provide even more benefits.
Increased intimacy of touch, even if not sexual touching, pushing bond between partners. When the couple together, each member may feel freer to express desires and emotions.

How to Increase Libido Naturally with Meditation
Meditation, over the long term, can contribute to the release of endorphins. In the short term, can reduce stress and clear the mind. Active form of meditation practice, standing and sitting, increases blood flow, reduce muscle tension and trigger the flow of internal energy that can lead to feelings of sexual arousal.

How to Increase Libido Naturally with Sunshine
Morning sunshine rich in vitamin D is not only good for bone health, but also beneficial to increase libido and sperm productionResearchers from the Medical University of Graz in Austria found basking in the morning sunlight increases the production of male hormone testosteron.Testosterone is responsible for developing and maintaining sexual characters, such as sperm production and libido control.  

How to Increase Libido Naturally with Food
Eating certain foods can trigger endorphins immediately. These chemicals help to freshen the mind and body, which can lead to lowered resistance. Chocolate and chili both trigger the release of these neurotransmitters. In addition, send a message to the body's endorphins to release sex hormones. This combination provides a powerful double effect, which can greatly enhance. 

Banana of Ambon turned out to contain substances that can make a person become a high libido. He said if we eat a lot of Ambon Banana is highly influential on sexual arousal. 

The results of recent sex survey revealed that about 85 percent of women in their 30s want the frequency of sex more often. While only 75 percent of men who wanted sex more often in the same age. 

These data are the findings that emerged from a survey on sex life married couples. The survey also revealed, the number of respondents desired frequency of sex. As many as 60 percent of women admitted that they wanted to have sex at least twice a day every day. 

One respondent, said he was surprised to hear the women in their 30s were more hungry for sex than men. I would think it would happen otherwise. 

When asked what it was like if you could change one thing about their sex lives, more than half of female respondents said it wanted to do more challenging sexual activity. 

What is Prostate?

Posted on | Monday, October 24, 2011 | No Comments

Seminal vesicles are attached to the prostate and produce material that mixes with prostatic liquid to form semen. The tubes from the testicles carryover sperm to the prostate, which mixes with the seminal liquid and is ejaculated in the work of orgasm.

The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive technique. It is located below the bladder and wraps around the urethra. The prostate gland measures 3-4 cm long and 3-5 cm in width. On average, the prostate gland weighs twenty grams. The prostate consists of about 30% muscular tissue while the remaining is glandular tissue.

The prostate may increase in size as age progresses. This condition is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Over 40% of men have an enlarged prostate by the age of 70. Enlargement of the prostate causes it to press against the urethra and weaken the flow of urine. An increase in size may indicate the condition of benign prostatic hyperplasia or a urologic condition. It require not necessarily indicate the growth of cancer cells. Benign prostatic hyperplasia does not increase the risk of prostate cancer but indicates the likelihood of occurrence.

 common diseases of the prostate are benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostates and prostate cancer. Each condition affects the prostate differently.

The male sex hormone, testosterone, plays an important part in the normal growth and function of the prostate gland. The testicles produce testosterone and is a concern for those diagnosed with hormone-dependent prostate cancer. As long as testosterone is produced, prostate cancer is likely to grow and spread throughout the body.

sphincter. It does not contain any glands and hence cancer or enlargement does not usually create there. It is essential to contact a urologist in case experiences the signs to make positive early preventive care.

The prostate has various concentric zones, known as the anterior fibromuscular stroma, peripheral zone, central zone and transition zone. A doctor can examine the peripheral zone by inserting a finger in the rectum. Benign prostatic hyperplasia develops in the transition zone and grows in size. The anterior fibromuscular stroma is the anchoring point of the urethra


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