Symptoms of Cataract Disease
Posted on | Thursday, June 23, 2011 | No Comments
Cataract is a disease of the eye because the eye lens becomes opaque thereby blocking the incoming light. Sight cataract patients to be impaired and might even be getting worse and blindness if not treated properly.
Causes and processes of a cataract
- Traumatic cataract: caused by a history of trauma / injury to the eye.
- Secondary cataract: caused by other diseases, such as disease / metabolic disorders, inflammatory processes in the eye, or diabetes.
- Cataracts are caused by exposure to radiation.
- Cataracts are caused by the use of long-term medications such as corticosteroids and cholesterol-lowering drugs.
- Congenital cataracts are influenced by genetic factors.
Symptoms of Cataracts
Symptoms of cataract disease is usually in the form of complaints decreased ability of vision that occurs progressively (such as progressively worsening nearsightedness). Misty vision as if the pupils saw the smoke and whitish. Furthermore, if the cataract has been getting worse pupils will look really white, so that the light reflex of the eye becomes negative.
If the cataract is not treated immediately and left it will obviously disrupt the ability to see and possibly also can cause complications in the form of Glaucoma and Uveitis.
Drug form of cataract eye drops, vitamins or anti-oxidants only hinder the process of maturation of cataract increases, but can not reduce or eliminate cataracts. Opersi cataract done if the vision has been disturbing the patient, should not wait until the cataract matures. Cataracts can not be resolved by the laser, but will have to surgically remove the cloudy lens is then replaced with an artificial lens planting. Cataract surgery can be performed with a microscope and phacoemulsification machines, which use ultrasonic vibrations to destroy cataracts. Laser action can be used after cataract surgery, if the lens capsule had turbidity.

Brain Cancer
Posted on | Wednesday, June 22, 2011 | No Comments
The words brain cancer appear to tend to bring with them terror over and above that of other forms of cancer, however, as dreadful as this sort of cancer is, and I don't mean to minimize it, brain cancer does not necessarily mean death. Sometimes cancerous tumors of the brain won't spread out to other areas of the body but will basically stay in the cranial cavity itself. It will however, often assault other tissues in that area and lead to serious issues and challenges.
Sometimes the tumor will grow and push parts of the brain causing various reactions such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, comas, times when the victim will appear to be out of touch and unresponsive to people and things around him. Also, there will often be a dialation of the eye on the side where the tumor is located. Eye doctors will often notice differences in the eye and the eye responses in the coursework of an eye examination. In very young kids, this pushing may finish up in an increase of the size of the cranium itself.
It may also lead to sure neurological signs, cognitive impairment of various kinds, changes in behavior, character, emotional responses or initiations,
It may also lead to physical challenges, such as the loss of the sense of smell, loss or partial loss of sight, loss or partial loss of hearing, issues with swallowing, paralysis on side of the body, stroke, traumatic brain injury, seizures and other issues, depending on what part of the brain the tumor is pressing against.
A person's health is important. If it is not taken care of properly, things like brain cancer may take over and modify things and there will be no changing back. It is important to follow one's doctor's advice. Go for periodic checkups. In case you find that something doesn't appear right, don't wait, make an appointment and go to the doctor. Your doctor has the equipment to look in to things and find out. If he/she finds nothing wrong, celebrate, don't gripe about wasted funds. If he/she does find something wrong, be glad you went and got help immediately, it can make all the difference; the difference between being a victim of brain cancer or a victor over brain cancer.
Cancer brain is a highly lethal malignancies. Besides lethal, treatment cost was enormous. To avoid the disease, following a number of measures to prevent this disease:
- If you experience symptoms such as frequent headaches are intermittent, or does not go away, without cause vomiting, decreased vision that can not be corrected with glasses, limb weakness gradually, walking unsteadily, symptoms like vertigo or stagger , then immediately do self-examination and recommended an MRI examination.
- Do not let stress constant attack, a time to time to rest, and do refreshing that can reduce and eliminate your stress.
- Limit the direct radiation is too much on the body, better use hansfree when using cell phones in a long time.
- Apply a healthy diet with balanced nutrition, for example, increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Plus restrict ourselves to consume fat.
- Reduce consumption of smoked foods, baked and preserved dengat nitrite, as well as substances other artificial chemicals.
- It is time you stop the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.
- Perform regular health checks. Especially if you have a family history of brain cancer.
- Do not take certain medications prescribed prior to referral physicians. Misuse of drugs can stimulate cancer cell growth.
- Do exercise regularly and in adequate portions.
- From now on get used to apply a healthy lifestyle. Do not be swept away lifestyle "away".

Orthotics for reduce pain in the legs
Posted on | Tuesday, June 21, 2011 | No Comments
Stride Orthotics prescribe Orthotics to reduce legs pain, foot pain, knee pain, and back pain. Orthotics also improve balance and walking pattern, helping you to walk pain free!!
Perhaps you have aching feet, knees, hip and legs? You may have been diagnosed with a condition which results in a loss of muscle power in the legs, causing you to lose balance or trip?
Are you suffering from foot pain? The American Podiatric Medical Association conducted a survey in 2009 and found that forty percent of Americans experience extreme pain which impairs every day life. There is a simple way to help reduce pain. Lots of foot clinics in Calgary and across the nation specialise in custom orthotics that can help.
Who benefits from orthotics?
Orthotics in Calgary, and other areas, can benefit those with foot pain. Athletes benefit from orthotics because they provide support and serve as shock absorbers as well. Orthotics can be made for specific sporting shoes such as: ski boots, jogging shoes, hiking boots, skates, golf shoes, and trainers. Orthotics can be made to fit dress shoes and everyday shoes. Those working towards weight loss or who are recovering from different surgeries may also benefit from orthotics.
What are orthotics?
Orthotics are shoe inserts that are made to correct irregular and abnormal jogging patterns. Orthotics are over arch supports. They slightly adjust the angle the foot strikes a surface while jogging or jogging. This makes standing, jogging, and jogging more comfortable. Orthotics minimize the stress on the foot that could cause deformities and pain.
There are a variety of conditions that affect muscle power. Any imbalance of muscle power to the foot, ankle, knee and hip will alter the resting position of the joint. The change in joint position will make walking difficult and result in pain. Legs Supports (Splints) and Foot Orthotics (Insoles) will prevent or reduce the change in joint alignment and enhance balance, walking pattern and reduce muscle strain. There are a variety of types of Leg Supports (Splints), Foot Orthotics (Arch Supports), Knee and Ankle Supports available and they can be modular or custom made. The type of Orthotic device you are prescribed depends on the severity of the symptom and a biomechanical assessment is required in order for you to be prescribed the most suitable Orthotic support.

Dangers of Drinking Soft Drinks
Posted on | Monday, June 20, 2011 | No Comments
Soft drinks/soda become a favorite of millions. It was sweet and refreshing. And taste better if taken during hot weather or after lunch.
But what happens if you drink soda very often or even daily? Any dangers that may result? These four effects of drinking soft drinks too often:
Added Fat
In the United States, a series of scientific studies show that soft drinks cause obesity or overweight. Many small children, teenagers and even adults have a body fat due to drinking too much soda.
Diabetes has Had its Time
People who drink soda every day have an increased risk of diabetes by two-fold higher than those who rarely or never drink soda.
diabetes is one disease that could trigger other diseases, such as stroke and coronary heart damage. If you consume lots of soft drinks, in addition to potentially leading to diabetes, stroke and heart damage can also occur korone. It should be noted that diabetes arises not only because of heredity. People who come from normal could be suffering from diabetes.
Risk of Heart Attack
In addition to diabetes, a person who drank soft drinks every day, in four years have affected the risk of heart attacks 40 percent higher than those who did not. Not only that, the bad cholesterol also go up due to excessive consumption of soda.
Harm Kidneys
United States doing research on the dangers of 3256. They regularly consume fizzy drinks at least 2 times a day. The result, as much as 30% of respondents suffered kidney damage and decreased function.
According to experts, it is associated with the content of soft drinks, ie, artificial sweeteners, artificial colorings, caffeine, and phosphoric acid.
Increase Risk Fragile Bones
One of the content of carbonated beverages is phosphoric acid. In a penelititan, phosphoric acid can cause disease of bone fragility. This is because phosphoric acid can dissolve the calcium in the bones. As a result, bones become brittle and porous.
Increase Damage Teeth
In one study, 3200 respondents were damaged teeth by consuming soft drinks. This is of course due to the existing content of sugars in the drink. Not only that, phosphoric acid also contributed to tooth decay by dissolving calcium teeth.
Suffering from Various Health Problems
Soft drinks not only contain high sugar levels, but also caffeine. Some experts say, if soft drinks have become part of the "lifestyle", then the effect will be not much different from illegal drugs. Consequently do not be surprised if there will be the body's vital organs are malfunctioning.
So from now on, the consumption of water at least two liters a day. Replace sodas with green tea or traditional herbal medicine is natural. To avoid the dangers of drinking soft drinks.

Children Health of Nutrition
Children are getting fatter? Be careful, this is not always healthy, obese children were found malnourished turns.Health and Morbidity Survey showed 5.4 percent of children are overweight. This includes 6.8 percent of children between 6 and 8, and 6.4 percent between the ages of 4 and 6.
Research shows there is a connection between the body is short and level of intelligence. If the beginning is not there a balance weight and height, it will affect the formation of the brain. Therefore, the nutritional needs of infants from the fetus until the age of five must be met promptly.
Nutritionists Indra Balaratnam as reported said many children who Berar bodies with empty carbs. This is not a source of energy because it contains no nutrition.
So the children who seem healthy is actually suffering from micronutrient deficiencies. And if this is allowed then the energy stored as fat, causing problems such as diabetes and hypertension later in life,
According to the World Health Organization, children between the ages of 2 and 8 should consume no more than 5-6 teaspoons of added sugar a day while adults should consume no more than 10 teaspoons.
Most parents do not realize what your child eats. Especially sugar attached to a variety of sweets. Indra said the most common cause of obesity in children, because parents who spoil.
The habit of eating meals outside the home also should be aware. Not just fast food outlets, food stalls were obliged to watch out....

How to Care for Your Eyes
How often do they cease to think of our eyes and the additional care and attention that they need in order to keep us seeing optimally for years to come? Ever heard the saying "prevention is better than the cure?" This is true in the case of eye care.
Beautiful eyes, fresh and shine can be had, provided you maintain and clean it regularly. Maybe you think that the eyes are cleared will cause red eyes or you are afraid of soap can get into the eye.
There is a good idea to do some steps below to safely Eye Care, see below.
Insert the cotton into a mixture of cucumber and potato juice. Put the cotton on eyelids for 15-20 minutes and wash until completely clean.
For those of you who have long lashes, put a cloth that has been given a bit of oil every night. In addition to making you stay long eyelashes, also make your eyes feel cold.
To pre-fight infection, you ought to never share make up or eye drops with somebody else; never touch the tip of eye drops bottle with either your finger or your eye; and wash your hands in order to prevent touching or rubbing your eyes with dirty or bacteria infected hands.
With today's emphasis on watching tv, your eyes are getting worn out more often and more quickly. When you feel like your eyes have had , soothe worn out eyes by dipping cotton pads in to chilled milk and place on closed eyes for ten -15 minutes, while relaxed. If it is a crazy day in the office, remove your contact lenses or prescription glasses for at least minutes while you force your eyes to focus on anything other than your computer screen (or any other screen). You ought to also try to force your eyes to blink as often as you can in order to prevent dry eyes.
When you feel tired, it will usually appear dark circles under the eyes. Remove by gently massaging the dark circles under the eyes with coconut oil.
Brighten your eyes by way of wash water that has been mixed a little salt on the eyes. While doing this eye care, avoid not to get into the eye.
Maintain freshness of your eyes, the way is by mixing tomato juice and lemon, put around the outside of the eye. Let stand for 30 minutes, then wash with warm water.
If you want to remove dark circles around the eyes. Place the cotton that has been dipped in cold milk and put on the eyelids with your eyes closed.
Keep in mind: conjunctivitis, or pinkeye, can be caused by a virus, bacteria, an allergic reaction, a chemical, or an irritant (something that gets in the eye) and can basically be passed from individual to individual - even by shaking their hand.
When you are in the sun, wear either sun shades or eyeglasses with an appropriate sun-protective coating to protect you against UV rays. In case you wear prescription lenses, then do your eyes a favor and also order a pair of prescription sun shades to make sure your all-round eye care. If you are not satisfied, studies have proven that wearing sun shades while in the sun can help to protect your eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration. Additionally, if you are a smoker, macular degeneration ought to be a lovely reason to get you to cease as studies have also found smokers to be at a higher risk of developing this disease.
In case you wear contacts, you ought to never wear them for extended periods of time, being longer than 12 hours, and never sleep with them in. Every three times in some time, go 24 hours without your contacts and wear glasses in lieu. In case you think you have an eye injury cease wearing contact lenses until you see an eye specialist in order to prevent further destroy or infection to your eyes.
An annual trip to your optometrist or eye doctor is absolutely essential to make sure that your eyeglasses prescription has not changed and to check you for a variety of feasible eye conditions. In case you have a preexisting disease such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis; or hereditary fears of glaucoma or cataracts, then this visit is even more necessary.
In case you need to get the full effect of your eye care efforts, when you find out that your prescription has changed, buy glasses frames with the acceptable lenses as soon after your check-up as feasible. If you are worried about the cost, look to buy high quality discount eyeglasses online and take advantage of the savings that are available there.

Learn to Meditation
Posted on | Saturday, June 18, 2011 | 1 Comment
All who had studied meditation are always looking for the best meditation techniques. Regardless of whether or not the claims of the organizers of meditation classes. The best meditation technique is a technique that we are closer to the Creator. Broadly speaking, we can conclude the less human ego that is used for meditation, the easier it is for us to be "uniting" and return to the Creator.What is this latest hype all about? The that is going to solve, not only your health issues, but all of your issues? It does not come in a kind of a pill. Nor is it anything new. People all over the world have been performing this ritual for hundreds of years. It is a lifestyle on lots of places on Earth. It is not linked to a specific religion any over that you would need to be religious to perform this act. It is part of a every day method for lots of people and ought to be for even more. If this has been done for so long and is so widespread, than this in itself ought to serve as proof that it is effective.
Meditation can basically be part of anyone's every day method. It is simple to learn to meditate for beginners. Although the more time and practice that is spent, the more the meditator will gain from it. It can be practiced fundamentally anywhere. It can take as small or much time as is obtainable. Although an extended meditation is more effective, a meditation when time is short will still make a difference.
Meditation is done in lots of various approaches. Each person is different. Also each person has different needs. There's numerous approaches to meditation and some might be more effective than others. This all depend on the meditator. Practicing meditation may finish up in lots of outcomes. Again, much of this depending on the purpose and aim of the meditation. For example, it can re-energize or de-stress. It is chiefly about restoring balance, which is of the lots of benefits that meditation provides.
Much of this very complexed life becomes simpler when the mind, body, and spirit is in balance. Meditate will provide for lots of benefits. Such as serenity and general well being, but also provides for increases respiratory rate and oxygen uptake. This in turn, can be helpful in the work of situations such as injury or surgical procedure recovery. Also great for persons with hypertension issues. Some odd effects can be that meditation can aid in weight control. Indirectly it might very well do. However, this probably refers to the fact that when the body and mind are in balance it is simpler to handle life in general. Managing weight becomes more of a side effect of well being.
Learn to meditate. It is beneficial even for beginners. If the day seems in utter chaos, then close the door or discover a quiet place. Take a deep breath and return to core for a moment. It will make a difference. Not only for yourself, but for your surrounding surroundings.

Sunscreen Danger
Use of sunscreen cream is useful for protecting skin from the sun. But, behind the benefits of sunscreen have serious health risks.The dangers of the sun and sun tanning have been drilled in to our heads for years. But how much of the information about the sun, UVA and UVB rays, and skin cancer are true, and how much of it is a sun scam? Sunscreen manufacturers make billions of dollars each year selling sunscreen products, so it pays for them to put out the message that needs sunscreen in order to keep away from malignant melanoma (skin cancer). And these manufacturers spend billions contributing to dermatology associations, all in an work to get their message out. And it is working, because doctors and dermatologists continue to advice using sunscreen, although the message may be outdated and facts is growing that using sunscreens that block both UVA and UVB rays may not be the best practice for one's skin and overall health.
But step back in history for a moment. The rise in the sunscreen industry came about in the late sixties and early seventies when a study showed a link between malignant melanoma and overexposure to the sun. And the sunscreen industry took off. However, cases of skin cancer continue to rise, although sunscreen products are widely used. Is it a sun scam?
Not only that, the Environmental Working Group conducted a study of over fifteen hundred sunscreens, and they determined that at least in sunscreens do not sufficiently protect the skin from sun destroy or they contain chemicals dangerous to the health. In fact, some of the chemicals may very well cause malignant melanoma. Also, lots of of these chemical sunscreens contain Vitamin A, which has been added to lots of sunscreens because it is an antioxidant that slows skin aging. However, Vitamin A may very well spread skins cancers like melanoma because the vitamin can increase the speed at which malignant cells create. This is due to the potential phototoxicity of Vitamin A. At the time of this writing, more research is being completed on the topic of Vitamin A in sunscreens, but keep in mind that there's lots of other harmful chemicals in most sunscreens.
Use of sunscreen cream is useful for protecting skin from the sun. But, behind the benefits of sunscreen have serious health risks.
The following are some of the content found in sunscreens are harmful to the body:
- Dioxibenzon and sulisobenzone: The content can be toxic to skin
- Diazolidinyl urea: May affect the brain systems
- Octyl methoxycinnamate: Can accumulate in the body and interfere with liver function
- Oxybenzone: Contributing to the blood vessel disease
To be careful when buying sunscreen. Please read carefully the written content of the packaging. If you want to be safer to use environmentally friendly products. We have had many brands of cosmetics labeled as organic
The truth is that environmental studies have shown repeatedly that individuals who live in sunnier climates like New york have lower rates of skin cancer than those in colder, cloudier climates, like Minnesota and Washington State. And individuals who every day work out in the sun are less likely to create skin cancer than those who do not.

Legend of Yoga
Posted on | Thursday, June 16, 2011 | 1 Comment
It is estimated that yoga originated since the beginning of human civilization didataran south asia (around India, Nepal and Pakistan and is estimated to have been around 7000 years ago). Yoga in that period is essentially a part of cultural products people there (according to myth, yoga was first coined by Siva yogi from the Himalayas). Through archeological evidence of yoga is known that already exists as a fairly advanced civilisasi of Dravidian tribes around the Indus river valley. That's the legend of yoga
Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word which means oneness with nature. Yoga teachings Maharsi built by Patanjali, and is teaching a very popular among Hindus. Teachings of yoga is a practical science of Vedic teachings. Yoga is rooted from the word meaning yuj related, namely the convergence of the individual spirit with the universal spirit
Many poses of yoga are specially meant to relieve positive pains & make you feel an effect in a positive area of your body. The art of yoga seeks to find that area & designate all of your inner energies on it so that you can control yourself & focus yourself on that spot & bring all of your energy there. Yoga also seeks to help along with your breathing. In fact, much of yoga depends on the power of your mind having an influence over your body. For example, in Raja yoga, there's four principles that are applied to every exercise, such as Yama, being the abstentions from lying, violence, possessiveness & others.
Then, Niyama is the observances of purity, contentment, austerity, study, & surrender to god, & Asana refers to the seated position that is specially reserved for meditation purposes. Then, Pranayama is the suspended breath that refers to controlling your personal life force. Pratyahara refers to withdrawing your sense organs from outside objects, & dharana refers to fixing your attentions on a single object, as dhyana is the contemplation of nature & its elements, & samadhi is when you finally merge your conscious being with the meditation object.
The general aim of yoga is to better your life & make positive that you reach a state of mental well being as well as physical excellence. It is to make positive that you stay fit & quiet & breathe through the crises of every day life. In some religious experiences, it is used to attain a higher vision of the world as well as a harmonious wedding of body & mind & spirit so that you can sharpen your focus in a way that is enlightening. It also helps as a calming method to work out your muscles & to give you some time of relaxation every day, as well.
All of this helps you experience the world in a way & helps you discover yourself as you indulge in the exercises. Of coursework, in a more practical sense, yoga is great for working out parts of your body, as well. Some positions need you to bend in half, placing both hands on the mat, & then breathing deeply. This position often relieves back pain when the breathing is balanced with the remainder of the body & everything flows evenly throughout. Other positions have you do a version of curls that works out your abs & your arm muscles, , & brings strength to your upper body. & all of the positions do well in helping you find an inner strength & peace as you can take deep breaths & do your best to breathe well & basically.
No matter what your personal needs, you will find that yoga has the power to make you feel invigorated & quiet in a way different from lots of other forms of exercises so you can enjoy the benefits & effects & make use of their positive influence on your life & state of being.

Benefits Yoga
Posted on | Tuesday, June 14, 2011 | No Comments
The most important benefit of yoga is physical and mental therapy. Regular practice of asanas, pranayama and meditation can help such diverse ailments such as diabetes, blood pressure, digestive disorders, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue, asthma, varicose veins and heart conditions.For about 5,000 years, yoga has been a part of the world. While most of us are familiar with the idea of yoga, many of us do not quite understand what it is, how it works, or why it is good for the body. Although yoga is generally associated with various Eastern religions, the true basis of yoga is stretching exercises that benefit the mind and body, and that can help anyone, regardless of their religious background or beliefs. While yoga is known to have many benefits, three of the benefits that are most immediately pertinent to the body are the effects of yoga on breathing, the heart, and the mind.
If you do not breathe, you cannot live; in this way, breathing is one of the most important aspects of life. But many of us fail to realize that we can improve our breathing. Yoga improves lung capacity by focusing on deep, mindful breathing. This can improve the performance and endurance of those who play sports, being hugely beneficial for them. But even for those who do not play sports, this improvement in breathing will prove helpful in everyday life.
A healthy heart translates to a healthy body. Among the studies that draw a correlation between yoga and health benefits, no areas have been focused on more than the correlation between yoga and a healthy heart. Yoga can slow the body's heart rate, and it can also lower the body's blood pressure. Yoga has also been linked to decreased cholesterol and a boost in the body's immune system. In fact, yoga can be beneficial for the heart to such an extreme extent that is has even been proven to help reverse heart disease!
Yoga also has an immensely positive impact on the mind. It has been proven that the practice of yoga can reduce the risk of depression; yoga can also increase concentration and decrease stress levels. As yoga brings extra oxygen to the brain and lowers hormone neurotransmitter levels, a sense of calm and wellness is created.
All it takes to practice yoga is 15 to 20 minutes of your time each day. With regular yoga practice, the body's respiration, circulation, and mental well being can all be improved. Think about beginning yoga practice yourself - you're sure to be happy with the benefits! Try getting a friend or two involved in daily yoga practice,who knows, you may start a trend in the neighborhood.

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