Dangers of Drinking Soft Drinks
Posted on | Monday, June 20, 2011 | No Comments
Soft drinks/soda become a favorite of millions. It was sweet and refreshing. And taste better if taken during hot weather or after lunch.
But what happens if you drink soda very often or even daily? Any dangers that may result? These four effects of drinking soft drinks too often:
Added Fat
In the United States, a series of scientific studies show that soft drinks cause obesity or overweight. Many small children, teenagers and even adults have a body fat due to drinking too much soda.
Diabetes has Had its Time
People who drink soda every day have an increased risk of diabetes by two-fold higher than those who rarely or never drink soda.
diabetes is one disease that could trigger other diseases, such as stroke and coronary heart damage. If you consume lots of soft drinks, in addition to potentially leading to diabetes, stroke and heart damage can also occur korone. It should be noted that diabetes arises not only because of heredity. People who come from normal could be suffering from diabetes.
Risk of Heart Attack
In addition to diabetes, a person who drank soft drinks every day, in four years have affected the risk of heart attacks 40 percent higher than those who did not. Not only that, the bad cholesterol also go up due to excessive consumption of soda.
Harm Kidneys
United States doing research on the dangers of 3256. They regularly consume fizzy drinks at least 2 times a day. The result, as much as 30% of respondents suffered kidney damage and decreased function.
According to experts, it is associated with the content of soft drinks, ie, artificial sweeteners, artificial colorings, caffeine, and phosphoric acid.
Increase Risk Fragile Bones
One of the content of carbonated beverages is phosphoric acid. In a penelititan, phosphoric acid can cause disease of bone fragility. This is because phosphoric acid can dissolve the calcium in the bones. As a result, bones become brittle and porous.
Increase Damage Teeth
In one study, 3200 respondents were damaged teeth by consuming soft drinks. This is of course due to the existing content of sugars in the drink. Not only that, phosphoric acid also contributed to tooth decay by dissolving calcium teeth.
Suffering from Various Health Problems
Soft drinks not only contain high sugar levels, but also caffeine. Some experts say, if soft drinks have become part of the "lifestyle", then the effect will be not much different from illegal drugs. Consequently do not be surprised if there will be the body's vital organs are malfunctioning.
So from now on, the consumption of water at least two liters a day. Replace sodas with green tea or traditional herbal medicine is natural. To avoid the dangers of drinking soft drinks.

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