Lung Cancer

Posted on | Saturday, September 3, 2011 | No Comments

Lung Carcinoma
Lung Cancer (Lung Carcinoma)

Most cases of lung cancer found an bronkogenik carcinoma, namely carcinomas derived from epithelial cells of bronchus (bronchus) in the lungs. This type of lung cancer are more common in men and generally attacks the age group 40 years and over, but sometimes found at a younger age. 


Today, the frequency of lung cancer is increasing worldwide. It is associated with higher air pollution and cigarette use. The risk of smokers to lung cancer patients depending on the number of cigarettes smoked each day yabg, levels of nicotine contained in cigarettes, it's sucking cigarettes, and age began smoking. Here are the most susceptible smokers lung cancer:

  1. Smokers over 40 years, especially if it begins to smoke less than 15 years.
  2. Smoking one pack per day.  
  3. Had been addicted to cigarettes for 20 years. 
Carcinogenic substances contained in cigarettes will stick to and irritate the bronchial mucosa and bronchial mucosa eventually become corrupted so that the potential to become carcinoma. Pollutants on cigarettes is also harmful to those who participated inhale cigarette smoke around the smokers (passive smokers).  
Other risk factors that could encourage the formation of lung cancer and air pollution from industrial pollutants, such as contact with asbestos, arsenic, nickel, iron steam, dimethyl sulfate, vinilklorida, chromium, uranium, coal dust, and radioactive dust. Moreover, the lineage that suffers lung cancer, can be a risk factor for lung cancer. 
Symptoms of lung cancer depends on the location of growth and rate of spread Tumo. The most common early symptoms are irritating cough, sometimes accompanied by blood mucus, and coughing up blood. However, these symptoms are not typical symptoms. Many cases of lung cancer who show no symptoms. Shortness of breath, hoarseness, weakness, loss of weight quickly, anorexia, swelling of the neck, and face, a symptom of an advanced stage. 
Lung cancer can spread throughout the body, especially to the brain, liver, bone marrow, and bone. To avoid the occurrence of lung cancer, the following preventive measures that can be done. 
  • Avoid smoking and begin to stop when they have been smoking.   
  • Avoid participate smoke cigarettes (passive smoking). 
  • For those who work in industries that produce carcinogenic pollutant should pay attention to health and safety.


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