Symptoms of Lupus Disease
Posted on | Friday, November 25, 2011 | 4 Comments

Own sense of the word lupus is Latin for "coyotes". This term began to be known about a century ago. Initially, patients with this disease have abnormalities of the skin, in the form of redness around the nose and cheeks. Red blotches on the face and arms, heat and prolonged fatigue, hair loss, swollen joints and often arise sprue. This disease not only affects the skin, but also can affect almost every organ in the body.
Symptoms - symptoms of this disease is known as Systemic Lupus Eritomatosus (LES). Eritomatosus means reddish, whereas significant widespread control every aspect of systemic organs.
Symptoms Lupus
1. The skin is easily burned by the sun and the incidence of digestive disorders.
2. Symptoms generally sufferers often feel weak, excessive fatigue, fever and aches. These symptoms are mainly found in the active period, whereas during remission (inactive) did not feel the symptoms again.
3. In the skin, it would appear that ran a red rash on both cheeks, like a butterfly. Sometimes called the (butterfly rash). However, disc-like red rash may appear on the skin throughout the body, prominent and sometimes scaly. Seeing the many symptoms of this disease, the woman who was attacked by two or more symptoms alone, should be suspected of having lupus.
4. Anemia caused by red blood cells are destroyed by this lupus
5. Hair loss and fatigue often excessive
In pregnancies of women who suffer from lupus, often believed to be related to pregnancy that causes abortion, fetal development or the baby died at birth. But the opposite is also possible or even worsen the symptoms of lupus. Lupus symptoms appear frequently encountered during pregnancy or after childbirth.
The body has immunity to attack the disease and keeping healthy. However, in this disease actually attacks the immune system healthy organ. Lupus disease allegedly related to the immunological system of the excess. In one's body that functions contained antibodies that would attack the source of the disease enters the body. Uniquely, this lupus antibodies formed in the body appears excessive. The result, antibodies actually attack the cells of a healthy body tissue. This disorder is called autoimmunity. This excess antibody, can enter the entire network in two ways:
- First, antibodies can directly attack this strange body tissue, such as red blood cells which causes the cell to be destroyed. This is what lead to the sufferer of red blood cell deficiency or anemia.
- Second, antibodies can be joined with an antigen (a substance stimulating the formation of antibodies), forming a bond called immune complexes. Combined antibody and antigen flow with blood, until caught in the capillary blood vessels will cause inflammation. Under normal circumstances, the complex will be limited by inflammatory cells (phagocytes) However, in abnormal circumstances, this complex can not be restricted as well. In fact, inflammatory cells had increased a lot, removing enzymes, which cause inflammation around the complex. The result, the process will be prolonged inflammation and damage organs and interfere with its function. Furthermore, it will be seen as a symptom of disease. If this happens, then the long-term organ function will be disrupted.
What causes lupus?
The precise reason for the abnormal autoimmunity that causes lupus is unknown. Inherited genes, viruses, ultraviolet light, and certain drugs may all play some role.
Genetic factors increase the likelihood of developing autoimmune diseases, and autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and autoimmune thyroid disorders more common among relatives with lupus than the general population. Some scientists believe that the immune system in lupus is more easily stimulated by external factors like viruses or ultraviolet light. Sometimes, symptoms of lupus can be precipitated or aggravated by only a brief period of sun exposure.
It is well known that some women with SLE can experience worsening of their symptoms before their menstrual period. This phenomenon, together with the predominance of SLE in women, suggesting that female hormones play an important role in the expression of SLE. This hormonal relationship is an active area of research done by scientists.
More recently, studies have shown evidence that a key enzyme's failure to dispose of dead cells may contribute to the development of SLE. The enzyme, DNase1, normally eliminates the so-called "junk DNA" and other cellular debris by chopping them into tiny fragments for easier disposal. The researchers turned off the DNase1 gene in mice. The mice appeared healthy at birth, but after six to eight months, the majority of mice without DNase1 showed signs of SLE. Thus, genetic mutations in genes that can disrupt the body's waste disposal cells may be involved in the initiation of SLE.
Things that can cause disease relapse:
- Avoid stress
- Keeping order is not directly exposed to sunlight
- Reduce the excessive workload
- Avoid the use of certain drugs

Hair Loss Causes And Natural Remedies
Posted on | Thursday, November 24, 2011 | 4 Comments
Hair loss is of the most common issues faced by men & ladies all over the world. every individual suffers from hair fall at some point in his life & in today's living surroundings even young people in their early twenties are turning bald. In this article let us discuss about its causes & some of the choice treatments you can use to prevent or cease further loss of hair.
There's numerous factors that can lead to loss of hair but its main reason is an enzyme that converts in to Dihydrotestosterone which gets deposited at the base of the hair follicles thereby blocking the growth of new hair. Hence they can assume that hair loss is usually caused by hormonal imbalance in the body. In men hair fall could be a hereditary issue but in ladies it is usually caused due to menopause. Other reasons of hair loss could be sedentary lifestyle, scalp infections, stress, depression, side effect of some medications and so on.
Remedies For Hair Fall
It's been revealed by plenty of specialist researchers that magnesium, biotin, vitamin b6 and zinc are highly essential for normal growth of hair and they are helpful in bringing out the DHT levels in the body. If takes a mix of these minerals and nutrients they can greatly minimize his issue of hair loss.
Hair Care
The best way to prevent hair loss is through their proper care which is not impossible. For example avoid using shampoos regularly as they make the hair narrow and weak due to the presence of harmful chemicals in them in lieu use herbal shampoos which are popular nowadays due to the nourishment they provide, apply oil to your hair every day to make your hair roots strong and prevent hair loss.
Modern Medicine
Minoxidil is as well as a very effective medicine for stopping loss of hair, it's been approved by FDA but there's some side effects associated with it like irritation in the eyes, itching & redness in the area being treated. But it still remains to be an effective drug for hair loss.
Natural Medicines
There's plenty of natural treatments which can help in this condition. Herbs like emblica officinalis, saw palmetto and serenosa repens have been used for hundreds of years in alternative kind of medicine for optimal hair care. Herbal products like trichozed and hair again contain such herbs and are effective and popular for maintaining healthy hair.

Pomegranate fruit juice Aging Medicine
Posted on | Wednesday, November 23, 2011 | No Comments
Trigger Sinusitis Tonsillitis Chronic Inflammation
Chronic tonsillitis can cause complications to the surrounding area in the form of recurring nasal inflammation, sinus inflammation (sinusitis) or inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) in a sustainable manner.
ENT specialist Dr Abdi Earth Suryanto Sp.THT explained, the germs that cause tonsillitis can spread through blood and lymph so that it can cause inflammation of the heart muscles, joints, kidneys, eyes, and skin.
If no complications, tonsillitis usually lasts only about a few days and go away without treatment. Tonsillitis is because the virus can last much longer up to a matter of weeks.
Complications can occur when there is a secondary infection in the middle ear or sinuses. Another possible complication of tonsillitis is a peritonsillar abscess (quinsy). This happens when a group of bacteria that encouraged by the growth of new tissue. Abscess is not in the tonsils anymore but on one side.

Trigger Sinusitis Tonsillitis Chronic Inflammation
Posted on | Tuesday, November 22, 2011 | No Comments
Chronic tonsillitis can cause complications to the surrounding area in the form of recurring nasal inflammation, sinus inflammation (sinusitis) or inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) in a sustainable manner.
ENT specialist Dr Abdi Earth Suryanto Sp.THT explained, the germs that cause tonsillitis can spread through blood and lymph so that it can cause inflammation of the heart muscles, joints, kidneys, eyes, and skin.
If no complications, tonsillitis usually lasts only about a few days and go away without treatment. Tonsillitis is because the virus can last much longer up to a matter of weeks.
Complications can occur when there is a secondary infection in the middle ear or sinuses. Another possible complication of tonsillitis is a peritonsillar abscess (quinsy). This happens when a group of bacteria that encouraged by the growth of new tissue. Abscess is not in the tonsils anymore but on one side.

Benefits of Onions for Fit To Drugs Always Younger
Posted on | Monday, November 21, 2011 | No Comments
For mothers who often cooks in the kitchen, of course familiar with the garlic. Besides other than for use as a food flavor enhancer, this one kind of spice that has many benefits in the health sector. When crushed, garlic produces a substance called allicin. Alicin has many advantages to guard against certain diseases.
In addition, garlic has many benefits as an antibacterial and an antioxidant. As an antioxidant, garlic may slow the aging process so that it can be a 'cure' of youth.
The benefits of garlic as quoted from the site Village, said that eating garlic per day is proven to reduce the risk of colds by 50 percent. Garlic also provide vitamins A, B and C and essential minerals including iron, iodine, potassium, selenium, zinc, calcium and magnesium.
Antibacterial properties contained in garlic efficacious against infections. Garlic peeled and applied to the skin can clear a fungal infection that causes ringworm. The study also mentions young garlic can help prevent food poisoning, kill certain bacteria such as E. Coli (causes diarrhea). In the U.S., is now commonly used garlic oil for heart disease therapy.

Ulcus Pepticum
Posted on | Sunday, November 20, 2011 | No Comments
Ulcer is often described as our stomach by gastric acid. If the disease strikes, we will feel the excruciating pain in the abdomen on the left. Apparently some of the plants around us have properties prevent and cure it.
Ulcer is a popular term to describe conditions such as this: if often somewhat sour vomiting, body temperature rises, the face pale, lacking appetite, if you're an empty stomach ache, soreness, and tightness in the upper gut pain until sometimes sometimes make us wake up in the middle of the night, defecating irregular, sometimes constipation or diarrhea.
Ulcer itself is a Dutch vocabulary, which means the stomach is then Indonesianized become mag. Thus, the actual ulcer is a sore stomach. Generally, a disease that often occurs in people with blood type O is in the form of inflammation of the mucous membranes (mucosa), stomach (gastritis), or gastric mucosal injury (gastric ulcers) are known as peptic ulcers (ulcus pepticum).
Culprit of this disease is a substance that can menginhibisi gastric acid secretion. For example, histamine and anti-inflammatory non-steroidal. Work hard, mind tense, edgy, or lack of sleep also causes high levels of stomach acid. Often late eating, drinking acidic drugs on an empty stomach, drinking alcohol, and excessive smoking can also cause this disease. Similarly pylory Helicobacter bacterial infection that can invade gastric submucosal layer.
Based on the causes above, the healing is done by neutralizing stomach acid, reducing the production of stomach acid, to treat infections of the gastric mucous membrane, and reduce pain caused by irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach wall or muscle spasms. Medicine antacids, antihistamines, anticholinergics, demulcent (to reduce local irritation on peptic ulcers, and physically protect the cells underneath to contact and irritation from the outside). Especially for stomach pain due to infection of H. pylory treatment using antibiotics.
Patients also are encouraged to eat small amounts but often.
In addition to the treatment using pharmaceutical drugs, ulcer healing can also use medicinal plants. With a mix of plants that have demulcent properties, antacid and astringent, will be able to obtain the best dosage for treatment of wounds (ulcers).
Here are some recipes plants to cope with various gastric disorders.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa or C. domestica)
Seibu finger turmeric rhizome after being washed, shredded. Parutannya then given a little water and squeezed. Drink 2x a day, morning and evening before meals before bed.
Aloe vera (Aloe vera)
Take the fresh gel of aloe vera leaves half. Gel as much as is taken for one drink. Drink it 2x a day. It could be honey to taste. For pregnant women should not consume this concoction.
Kamomila (Matricaria recutita)
Pour boiling water 1 teaspoon of flowers kamomila with 150 ml of hot water, let sit for 50-10 minutes, then drink. Repeat this infusion 3-4 times daily.
Powder (Kaempferia galanga)
To cope with an ulcer: a finger rhizome kencur washed, peeled, and chewed with salt as needed. After smooth, chew swallow kencur was followed by drinking warm water. Do this 3x a day.
Cincau (Cylea barbata)
Take a handful of leaves of grass jelly (± 80 g wet weight). Leaves washed and milled until smooth. The result is kneaded with water and filtered as needed. In order to quickly thickens, give the necessary whiting. After the clot, eat with sugar water or syrup. Do this 3x a day, each _ as much as drinking glasses (glass capacity of approximately 200 ml).
Meniran (Phyllanthus niruni)
Wash and boil the leaves meniran _ handheld with 3 cups water and leave to stay _ his. After chilling filtered, then taken with honey as needed. Do this 3x a day.
If your stomach problem, it never hurts to turn to nature to find a cure.

Process Lose Weight Faster Safely
Posted on | Thursday, November 10, 2011 | No Comments
Lots of people think that low calorie diet is the best way to accomplish speedy weight loss but this is not the best idea. Low calorie diets won't only starve you it could also prevent you from losing weight. The reason is because using a low calorie diet will cause your metabolism to detect the drop in calorie intake and it will then fine-tune to burning fewer calories each day. Low calorie diets is often hard to stick to due to their restrictiveness and lots of individuals who tried low calorie diets found themselves lacking energy throughout the day causing lots of to give up their weight loss attempts.
Are you in the process of losing weight but think that it is happening slow or you are not seeing any significant results? You can accomplish faster weight loss by incorporating the right process along with your attempts. Losing weight can sometimes be tricky and in the event you don't do the necessary procedures properly you may have a hard time getting desired results. For example, in the event you are trying to lose weight through dieting and you don't eat the right foods in the right pattern consistently it will be impossible getting the fat off.
You can lose weight faster by the way you eat but it must be done by a process of eating that will directly assault the body's hormones and metabolism as to manipulate them to cut fat in a way that would not be feasible with a low calorie diet. Since your body always attempts to burn the exact number of calories that you eat each day you will find it hard to accomplish significant weight loss by relying on a low calorie diet. Did you know that it is feasible to induce positive methods through dieting that could manipulate the body's metabolism to cut fat faster?
One such process is called calorie shifting. This means that your body is given different types of calories each day which confuses your metabolism and forces faster fat loss to happen. When the calorie is shifted your body gets confused and begins burning additional fat tissue, but this process could only be accomplished through a special and tested eating pattern. Also with this process you won't experience starvation because the process itself need you to eat over times a day.
The calorie shifting process is of the best dieting process you can use to speed up your weight loss. It doesn't need you to starve yourself and yet it is highly effective because it goes deeper by altering the hormones in the body that is responsible for fat burning and fat storage. So in the event you are frustrated with the rate at which your present regime is making you lose weight you can resolve the issue by switching to an eating process that makes use of a different process that will get the fat off faster.

Skin Cancer and Alternative
Posted on | Monday, November 7, 2011 | 1 Comment
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common kind of skin cancer and accounts for over 90% of all skin cancer in the U.S. These cancers never spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body. They can, however, cause destroy by growing and invading surrounding tissue. Squamous cell carcinoma is cancer that begins in the squamous cells, which are narrow, flat cells that look like fish scales under the microscope. Squamous cells are present in the tissue that forms the surface of the skin, the lining of the hollow organs of the body, and the passages of the respiratory and digestive tracts. Thus, squamous cell carcinomas can actually arise in any of these tissues. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin occurs roughly one-quarter as often as basal cell carcinoma.
It is estimated that over one million new cases occur yearly. It's also been estimated that half of all Americans who live to age 65 will create skin cancer at least one time. The most common forms of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. They account for about 96% of all diagnosed skin cancers. Together, these are also known as nonmelanoma skin cancer.
But, Mohs surgical procedure is not the only way to successfully treat skin cancers? Surgical procedure on the nose, ears, eyelids or lips may cause disfigurement or require reconstructive surgical procedure under a general anesthetic to maintain the natural appearance. Brachytherapy with the Flexitron process is an effective alternative treatment for BCC (Basel Cell Carcinoma) and SCC (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) skin cancer and avoids the necessity for reconstructive surgical procedure. It also has its advantages over surgical procedure for patients with a huge number of lesions, elderly patients, or patients who are otherwise inoperable, and advantages over outside beam radiotherapy as it requires shorter treatment times and less side effects.
A surgical process that is often used to treat nonmelanoma skin cancer is called Mohs surgical procedure. This highly specialized surgical process involves first removing the visible tumor and then successive layers of skin after the other until microscopic examination no longer reveals cancer cells. This surgical procedure is performed while the patient is under local anesthesia. Removing and examining each layer takes about hour, with much of this time spent taking a look at the removed skin. When completed, the surgical wound is treated as needed. The treatment can include closing the wound with stitches, covering the surgical site with skin from another area of the body (skin graft), and moving healthy skin from a nearby area to cover the surgical wound (skin flap).

The Cause of Phimosis
Posted on | Friday, November 4, 2011 | No Comments
Phimosis is a narrowing or adhesions to the glans penis foreskin can not open fully. Can cause a buildup of smegma phimosis (foreskin gland secretion of dirt) around the head of the penis. Buildup of smegma can support the spread of bacteria that cause inflammation. If phimosis causing difficulty urinating so that urine is retained in the urinary tract (urethra), it can happen urethral infection.
Most of the boys who are born with physiological phimosis. However, phimosis will usually disappear on their own after a three-year-old child. If at the age of six or seven years phimosis there are still causing problems, then the required treatment. A fully retractable foreskin occurs in 50% of ten year olds, 90% of 16 year olds and 98 to 99% of 18 year olds.
The Cause of Phimosis
In most cases, is congenital phimosis. In more rare cases, phimosis occurs due to loss of ability to stretch the foreskin, such as inflammation or injury caused by the forced opening of the penis head. The formation of scar tissue that prevents scar stretching the foreskin.
Phimosis is usually painless condition. Infection may result from an inability to carry out effective cleaning of the area in which case swelling, redness and discharge may all be present making the area tender and painful. A very tight foreskin can cause problems during intercourse, urination.
An inability to pull back the foreskin into position over the head of the penis can cause pain, swelling of the head of the penis and the foreskin. It may cause restricted blood flow, causing the head of the penis to become dark purple in color. If this should occur emergency treatment is required.
There are three ways to cope with phimosis is circumcision, drug and stretching:
1. Circumcision.
Many doctors recommend circumcision for phimosis eliminate the problem permanently. This recommendation is given especially when phimosis causing difficulty urinating, or inflammation of the glans (balanitis). Circumcision can be performed with local or general anesthesia.
2. Drugs.
Drug therapy can be administered with an ointment that increases the elasticity of the foreskin. This lubrication should be done regularly within a certain period to be effective.
3. Stretching.
Therapeutic stretching is done by gradually stretching the foreskin is done after a warm bath for five to ten minutes every day. This stretch should be done carefully to avoid injury.

Understanding Prostate Cancer Symptoms
Posted on | Wednesday, November 2, 2011 | 1 Comment
Cancer is of those diseases which if not treated at the right time can become a cause of death. Lots of people ignore the signs of the disease when they see them and account them for the alter in their eating habits. Prostate cancer is becoming widespread among men lately. The deaths caused due to this cancer are only second to lung cancer and colon cancer in Men. The increased deaths can be chiefly reasoned as an element of ignorance on the part of the people. Proper schooling on understanding the Cancer Signs can be much advantageous in restricting the number of deaths caused due to this.
of the major issues faced by individuals who are suffering from this type of cancer is that the growth of prostate cancer is slow when compared to other forms of cancers like lung and colon. Due to this even doctor find it impossible to diagnose them, usually such cancer is diagnosed a year after the signs are seen in most cases. But lately the deaths due to prostate have reduced by 70 % due to the effective treatments obtainable and the awareness created in men regarding Prostate Cancer Signs.
A number of the most common Prostate Cancer Signs include Pain and blood in the coursework of urination, dribbling of urine at the finish of urination, Pain in the pelvis and back part, Erectile dysfunction and issues of erection, Reduced force while urinating and also urinating in tiny quantities several times in the coursework of the night. The intensity of these signs depends on the stage of the cancer. All these need not be due to such a kind of cancer they may even be due to lots of normal things. Hence the person need not get tensed, the person needs to consult a doctor and get their advice to make sure they are safe.
There's further some signs of this cancer that ought to not be neglected at any cost. These include blood in the urine and semen. These signs are something that you ought to act on immediately in order to keep away from future health complications. Even swelling in the legs is of the signs that ought to not neglect as this can be associated with the cancer.
So, in case you face these signs, it will be wise on your part to visit a doctor as soon as feasible. Timely check up, diagnosis and treatment can help you combat the deadly disease.

Tips to Prevent Cervical Cancer
Posted on | Tuesday, November 1, 2011 | No Comments
Cervical cancer is of the most prevalent forms of cancers affecting a significant number of females worldwide every year. Though unlike breast cancer, it's certified preventive measures. The medical condition starts with the cervix undergoing precancerous changes. This is termed as cervical dysplaxia, which can be mild to extreme. Its development to cervical cancer takes years to happen, and it is aided by other factors. However, as earlier mentioned, cervical cancer can be prevented and can reduce her risk of having it.
Stop Smoking
According to researches, smokers have a higher risk of up to 4 times greater than nonsmokers. This is due to the fact that the cervix can absorb the toxins released from smoking. The cells in the body may undergo changes because of this exposure, which can then lead to cancer of cervix. Plus, by quitting smoking, you also lessen your risk of having other forms of cancer.
Use a Condom and Limit Sexual Partners
For women who have multiple sexual partners, it is recommended that condoms should be used during the intercourse. However, it is best that the woman should limit the number of sexual partners as contracting HPV or human papilloma virus can cause cervical cancer. Self-discipline must be done as not only will the risk of having cervical cancer lessened, but the chances of acquiring sexually transmitted disease also decreases.
Eating healthy truly does a difference on your risk level. The most recommended foods are vegetables, fruits, and whole grains as they are rich in fiber, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. These can help in stopping precancerous cells from turning to this type cancer.
With these tips, you may have noticed that they mostly pertain to disciplining the self. So, to sum it all up, the primary key to stopping cervical cancer naturally is by having a healthy lifestyle.
Aside from these, be cautious in case you are also having immunosuppression or if your immunity has been decreased. This is largely attributed to prolong use and high dosage intakes of steroids, and other chemicals consumed to treat other diseases such as HIV or Leukemia. Immunosuppression increases the risk of your body to create cervical cancer.

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- Symptoms of Lupus Disease
- Hair Loss Causes And Natural Remedies
- Pomegranate fruit juice Aging Medicine
- Trigger Sinusitis Tonsillitis Chronic Inflammation
- Benefits of Onions for Fit To Drugs Always Younger
- Ulcus Pepticum
- Process Lose Weight Faster Safely
- Skin Cancer and Alternative
- The Cause of Phimosis
- Understanding Prostate Cancer Symptoms
- Tips to Prevent Cervical Cancer
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