Tips to Prevent Cervical Cancer

Posted on | Tuesday, November 1, 2011 | No Comments

Cervical cancer is of the most prevalent forms of cancers affecting a significant number of females worldwide every year. Though unlike breast cancer, it's certified preventive measures. The medical condition starts with the cervix undergoing precancerous changes. This is termed as cervical dysplaxia, which can be mild to extreme. Its development to cervical cancer takes years to happen, and it is aided by other factors. However, as earlier mentioned, cervical cancer can be prevented and can reduce her risk of having it.

Stop Smoking
According to researches, smokers have a higher risk of up to 4 times greater than nonsmokers. This is due to the fact that the cervix can absorb the toxins released from smoking. The cells in the body may undergo changes because of this exposure, which can then lead to cancer of cervix. Plus, by quitting smoking, you also lessen your risk of having other forms of cancer.

Use a Condom and Limit Sexual Partners
For women who have multiple sexual partners, it is recommended that condoms should be used during the intercourse. However, it is best that the woman should limit the number of sexual partners as contracting HPV or human papilloma virus can cause cervical cancer. Self-discipline must be done as not only will the risk of having cervical cancer lessened, but the chances of acquiring sexually transmitted disease also decreases.

Healthy Diet and Exercise
Food supplements may even be taken, after consultation with a doctor. Vitamin C is mostly advised to be taken as it is also rich in antioxidants. Exercise is also very important and must be done at least four hours in a week. Even walking can suffice.

Eating healthy truly does a difference on your risk level. The most recommended foods are vegetables, fruits, and whole grains as they are rich in fiber, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. These can help in stopping precancerous cells from turning to this type cancer.

With these tips, you may have noticed that they mostly pertain to disciplining the self. So, to sum it all up, the primary key to stopping cervical cancer naturally is by having a healthy lifestyle.

Aside from these, be cautious in case you are also having immunosuppression or if your immunity has been decreased. This is largely attributed to prolong use and high dosage intakes of steroids, and other chemicals consumed to treat other diseases such as HIV or Leukemia. Immunosuppression increases the risk of your body to create cervical cancer.


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