Sleeping position of the right to prevent wrinkles

Posted on | Saturday, February 4, 2012 | 1 Comment

Sleeping beauty The man gets older the more problems arise particularly in relation to health. Like the older the machine the more parts that wear out. So is the human skin, especially facial skin, wrinkles become a problem that appears on the skin with increased age.

Obviously we will not give up quickly to let wrinkles appear on our faces. Much we can do to slow down the appearance of wrinkles on our faces, among others, pay attention to the sleeping position. Apparently there are certain sleeping positions that make our skin wrinkles, such as:

  • Supine sleeping position is the best position compared to the lateral or prone sleep position, because on the side or prone sleeping position will be a lot of our facial skin surfaces rubbing against the pillow and this will accelerate the appearance of wrinkles on the face. If you prefer to sleep on his stomach or side position to eat the effort that we can do is encase the pillow with a soft satin fabric. Smooth texture that will reduce the risk of wrinkles on the face.
  • Try sleeping on your head higher than the heart, so when you wake up do not look puffy eyes due to fluid buildup around the eyes.
  • Do not drink or eat that contain caffeine such as chocolate or coffee at the time of 3-5 hours before going to bed. Eliminate the habit of drinking alcohol before bed. All of that will help us gain a more restful sleep.


One Response to “Sleeping position of the right to prevent wrinkles”

  1. Health Buzz
    February 7, 2012 at 2:28 AM

    This is a wonderful article. Very informative.

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