Watermelon, Fruit efficacious for Prostate Cancer and Heart
Posted on | Tuesday, December 27, 2011 | No Comments
Midday heat, imagine watermelon. The fruits of this cucumber tribe, known to be very refreshing but also provide a positive effect for the body.
Watermelon contains lycopene is high. Lycopene is an antioxidant found in red fruits (except strawberries). Scientific research suggests that lycopene may reduce the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease.
People who eat diets high in lycopene, are less likely to experience a heart attack. Juicy fruit with a Latin name Citrullus lanatus is also rich in Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is an important substance that can stimulate hormones in the brain to cope with anxiety and panic.
Not only that, watermelon are also rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is not only important to keep the knowledge of the body, vitamins are absolutely necessary to slow down aging and damage to medical conditions such as cataracts.
Just like vitamin C, vitamin A found in a watermelon also helps boost immunity. In addition, vitamin A can help the body fight infections and prevent blindness.
But unlike a banana or papaya can be grown throughout the season, watermelon has its own season. Therefore, do not be a waste if the watermelon season has arrived. If shopping at the supermarket, to mengtahui watermelon is ripe, you should try to listen for sounds when tapped her skin.
If terdengan hollow sound, meaning that watermelon is ready to eat, but if you hear a solid sound, meaning that the watermelon is still raw and needs a few more days to mature.

What Is Colon Cancer?
Posted on | Sunday, December 25, 2011 | No Comments
Colorectal Cancer is the abnormal growth of cells or tumor formation in the giant intestine (massive bowel or colon) and the rectum. These cells can spread (metastasize) and damage other tissues or organs in the body; thus, often called cancer cells. Fundamentally, the colon serves as storage site for the feces before being excreted from the body, while the rectum is the distal finish of the colon that is adjoining to the anus. These structures of the digestive tract are the main sites for Colorectal Cancer, but cancer cells can also metastasize to the liver, lungs and other vital organs. Consequently, injury to the different body organs caused by cancer cells leads to several organ dysfunctions that can result to a person's death.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is of the leading causes of death across the globe, in Western countries such as the United States. In fact, in year 2008, 13 percent (13%) or 7.6 million of the total deaths of people worldwide is due to cancer. Among over hundred types of malignancies, Colorectal Cancer lands at the fourth spot of the most common cancers among men and ladies.
The most common causes of cancer are as follows
• genetic or hereditary origin;
• High dietary fat intake;
• low-fiber diet (low vegetable and fruit consumption)
• polyps (non-cancerous tumor) that are not removed from the colon; and
• Ulcerative colitis
Studies revealed that people with relatives history of colon cancer are high risk of developing the disease. Another cause of colon cancer is high overweight dietary intake. Various researches show that the metabolism (breakdown) of fats results to the production of free radicals or carcinogens, which are substances that cause cancer. Meanwhile, low fiber dietary intake is usually associated with poor bowel movement resulting to diminished ability of the body to eliminate waste products including carcinogens. Cancer in the colon and rectum is also believed to be a complication of Chronic Ulcerative Colitis (bowel inflammatory disease) and polyps that have not been removed.
• diarrhea (constipation and stool reduced if the tumor obstructs passageway for feces);
• abdominal pain, bloating or cramps;
• sudden weight loss
• fresh or old red blood, dark blood in stools leading to anemia
• body weakness or fatigue; and
• Shortness of breath
Hence, specific diagnostic exams are conducted to select presence of colon cancer such as GI series and Colonoscopy. The confirmatory check for cancer is biopsy. This procedure is completed by taking sample tissues from the colon in the coursework of colonoscopy and studying them through a microscope. Then, another series of diagnostic exams including chest x-ray, ultrasonography of the whole abdomen or CAT scan of the lungs and abdomen are performed to confirm spread of colon cancer cells to other organs in the body. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), a cancer marker may even be used to select cancer metastasis through blood check.
Moreover, the most definitive treatment for colorectal cancer is surgical procedure, in which the affected bowel is cut and removed and the unaffected parts are connected. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy may even be part of the treatment plan depending on the stage of cancer.
In general, there's treatments for colorectal cancer, but they are merely intended to relieve the signs and palliative signs. Regrettably, cancer remains incurable. A person can live for months or years after the diagnosis of cancer, but is always in danger of premature death, even in the presence of a palliative treatment. Like all other types of cancer, having colon cancer is a sobering diagnosis. However, awareness of the disease is what makes people more alert about health issues.

Cancer alert Spine and Paralysis
Posted on | Wednesday, December 21, 2011 | No Comments
Cancer of the spine requires urgent attention. If left untreated, cancer cells can damage the spine bones (vertebrae), causing enormous pain, and also, the instability of the spine.
In some cases, the collapse of the vertebrae are very likely to occur. When this happens, the cancer mass can press the spinal cord or spinal nerves, causing pain, paralysis, sensory failure, and loss of bowel or bladder control.
Cancer of the spine can be very painful in the final stages. For patients who experience symptoms, understand and choose the most appropriate treatment options can be very stressful and confusing. "
Depending on the type and stage of cancer of the spine, various forms of treatment modalities available today, ranging from chemotherapy and radiotherapy are aimed at destroying the cancer cells to surgical treatment.
When combined together, surgery plus radiotherapy can potentially provide the best outcome for some patients.
Spine cancer symptoms include mild to excruciating pain, usually pain that can wake you from sleep. Sometimes, this type of pain can be mistaken for arthritis or muscle spasms.
Cancer of the spine can result in patients having the nerve is compressed or (compression) the spinal cord (spine) bone to be destroyed from cancer and can not hold the body upright man again.
"This causes the patient to move, (either) of pain or paralysis due to compression of the spinal cord.
"They also can feel a lot of pain and patients have very poor quality of life," explains Dr. Hisam.
Moreover, if the cancer is detected late, and it is in advanced stages, surgery is usually not recommended by doctors. The best treatment at this point is to keep the pain management and patient as comfortable as possible. He added that he advocated improving the quality of life of patients, which should be a priority for caregivers of patients.

Om for Yoga And Meditation
Posted on | Tuesday, December 20, 2011 | 1 Comment
In this present day and age where tension and stress are the common factors that affect the day to day living of every man and woman, the necessity for a way to cope with these conditions are essential. The time tested treatment comes from the Vedic custom known as yoga and meditation.In meditation, one's mind becomes still and stable. It is performed while is sitting in lotus pose or simple Indian pose while quietly humming in his own self a mantra. The fingers are touching in particular hand position which the yoga teacher recommended, depending on the specific require. The mantra is usually vocally pronounced, and the oscillation of this sound is important because it allows the vibration of the mantra to resonate very positively with the human body and the mind. The mantra Om is usually recommended, because it is a non-denominational, and widely accepted by yoga adherents. It also has a sense of universality in it. Tibetan Yogis say this hum or hung. The correct pronunciation of Om or aum is aung, because it is written in Sanskrit with a dot over the letter 'M'. Om Shanti mantra is a lovely syllable to start with. Om means "universal Creator, and Shanti means" peace. "
It is recommended that you ought to practice yoga to attain a calm mind in meditation. Yoga postures prepare the body to sit still, and help the mind to accomplish tranquility. In this way you can understand the worth of yoga and meditation and its relationship. It is said in the Vedas: "When the vehicle is properly tuned, the passenger will have a smooth journey." The vehicle is the body; the passenger is for you, the Self.
Asana in yoga consists of postures and sets of movements called Vinyasa. It flows dynamically in rhythmic movements, while pausing in intervals to permit the body to absorb the beautiful effect of the given pose. Postures sometimes appear like a dance, in the case of Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation; or very military like the warrior pose. So lots of pose appeared to be very hard to perform, but you do not must follow them exactly like the pics in a yoga book. A quantity of them are very advanced in their practice, and some are models for the photograph shoot and are not even yogis at all. So you require to be cautious to have the tendency to "compete" with the next to you, your teacher or images in the book.

Shrinking Natural Facial Pores
Posted on | Saturday, December 17, 2011 | No Comments
- Facial skin is not kept clean
- Blockage of pores due to dirt or cosmetic
- Improper use of cosmetics
- Secretion of excess oil
- genetic factors
Some of the tips below will help shrink the state back in the face pores so your skin smooth and healthy as in the past.
Always wash face with cleanser appropriateThis is the most basic way to make skin look brighter. Such as hair care, facial cleanser also has the type of each. Find the right with your skin type. Make sure the cleanser effectively cleanses dead cells that accumulate in the skin.
Oil-free cleanser is ideal for all skin types
Better dietHow many instant foods and processed chemicals that you eat every day? If many, subtract from now. These foods contain trans fats which can lead to premature aging from the inside. One of the most obvious symptoms are dilated pores. iVillage recommend natural fats such as olive oil ideal as a food ingredient.
Consume a lot of vegetables, fruits, fish, fisheries and helped to freshen your skin from within. Remember, foods containing vitamin A may help turnover of dead skin cells effectively.
Facial moisturizer can reduce excess oilPores are dilated also characterized by the presence of excess oil. Actually it is a natural perlindungani on your skin, but the presence of excessive certainly very disturbing your appearance. Use a light moisturizer that is able to suppress the production of oil is within safe limits. Very oily skin are advised to use a moisturizer without oil.
Tighten skin with facial gymnasticsCarole Maggio, author of Facercise, suggesting that regular facial gymnastics are also fishing in the skin to be active and healthy. This helps toning skin naturally and keep the blood flowing properly, especially in the face.
Drinking water every dayWater is the most natural medicine with a thousand and one benefit. For long-term care, do not let you have dehydrated skin. The basic function of water to your skin is to provide a good supply of fluids and helps maintain skin's natural balance. It is made of mineral water regarded as the best.

Healthy Foods For Diabetes Control
Posted on | Friday, December 16, 2011 | 1 Comment
When you are diabetic you are oftentimes faced with the necessity to eat an appropriate diet that will help you control lots of of the signs associated with this disease. In fact by eating the right foods you may even be able to reduce your need for insulin. The normal method of eating involves consuming food that is then turned to sugar. This sugar is transported from the bloodstream to the body's cells by insulin. Regrettably, diabetics do not produce sufficient quantities of insulin to do this effectively. Therefore a bigger portion of the sugar remains in the bloodstream leading to the condition of "high blood sugar". There's several things that can be done to help you to control your blood sugar in the event you are diabetic. These include: diet, exercise and medication.Dairy Products: You ought to limit dairies to foods such as yogurt and milk to no over two servings per day. Lovely choices could include low overweight milk and sugar free fruit flavored yogurts.
Diet for diabetes: Blood sugar levels are most affected by carbohydrates. Limiting your carbohydrate intake is an excellent idea. Use carbs that are lowest in starches and highest in fiber. The higher fiber will help slow down your food digestion which will then slow down the release of sugar in to your bloodstream. Lovely food choices here would include; brown rice and whole grain cereals and fruits such as strawberries, apples or bananas.
Meats: You need protein so pick lean healthy cuts of meats such as roasted turkey or chicken breast. Limit the overweight intake and keep the protein level to 4-7 oz per day. You can also substitute meat with egg whites or low overweight cottage cheese.
Vegetables: Try to consume non starchy vegetables because these are lowest in carbohydrate content. You ought to aim for 3-5 servings per day. A serving is equivalent to cup of cooked or one cup raw vegetables. Lovely examples include carrots, broccoli and green beans.
Healthy Fats: Healthy fats are important for diabetics. You ought to strive for 3-4 every day servings. The best choices would include; olive oil, vegetable oil and margarine. The key is balanced, healthy meals that stabilize blood sugar. Balanced eating will also have the added benefits of controlling blood pressure and levels of cholesterol as well as help to prevent low blood sugar reactions that often affect diabetics. Additionally a healthy diet will keep your weight under control which is also an issue for lots of diabetics. You may require to work together with your medical doctor or a registered dietician to generate a healthy and simple to incorporate diet. These medical professionals will take in to account all of the various factors necessary such as your weight, height, activity level, medications you may be taking and current blood glucose levels.
Eat Smaller Meals: Make sure to keep portion sizes under control and don't skip meals. It is best to eat 4-5 "mini meals" each day with several hours between meals. By keeping a steadier flow of food digesting through your body you will help to keep your blood sugar levels stabilized.
Sugars and Salt in your diet: Yes, a moderate amount of sugar is acceptable in the diet. However it ought to be completed sparingly and as a treat and not a regular part of the every day diet. You ought to also keep in mind that fruit and fruit juices have high levels of sugar so you require to take this in to account. Use artificial sweeteners sparingly if at all. A lovely sugar substitute is stevia. Salt ought to even be used in moderation. Plenty of processed and canned foods are loaded with added salt so look for labels that say sodium free. Incorporate a variety of spices in to your foods as a replacement for the usual salt.
Following these guidelines will help you keep your diabetes under control. Remember when you have been diagnosed with any medical condition always follow the advice and guidance of a medical professional, particularly if you are taking prescription medications.

Things to consider maintaining the health of pregnant women
Posted on | Thursday, December 15, 2011 | No Comments
Maintaining the health of the face and head
Frequently asked pregnant women should not paint the hair during pregnancy? Should still postpone. Given a drug used to paint and hair perming substances are toxic (poisonous). Sometimes there are also complaints of hair loss and grow fine hair at the temples to be a problem for pregnant women. No need to worry it is only temporary in nature due to hormonal changes of pregnancy. Cleanliness of the area and head hair can be done with regular shampooing. Pregnant women should do a light massage on the face and head for relaxation.Pregnant women sometimes when the mirror to see his face no spots. Mother does not need to worry with a dark color or brown spots on the face (cloasma gravidarum). It was also due to hormonal changes that stimulate pigmentation of the face and neck. No need to smear with a wide - range of whitening creams. Once pregnant it changes the color of brown spots will disappear itself.
Breathe in clean air
Pregnant women should be careful - careful to choose a morning walk. Do not let the nose too long inhaled pollutants in a dense roadside vehicle. When pregnant women should avoid the use of cleaning materials - materials that contain aerosol paint, formaldehyde, camphor, and insect toxins in the form of mosquito coils and sprays. If you must do the spraying of insects, or clean the porcelain with chemical use nasal mask. For pregnant women with a history of asthma should not be exposed to the substance triggers of asthma such as animal dander, pollen, dust, carpets, cold air and so on.
Oral health
Oral health is very important for pregnant women in particular is the cleanliness of gums and teeth During pregnancy disorders frequently occur on the gums and teeth. Hormones of pregnancy make the gum becomes softer and sometimes bleed easily. Gently brushing your teeth and brush your teeth properly and regularly every after meal. Occasionally may gargle with warm salt water solution. When the swollen gums bleed easily or use toothpaste as recommended by your doctor or midwife. In the first trimester pregnant women sometimes there are complaints of nausea - nausea and vomiting. spit on and cause bad breath (halitosis). Pregnant women should frequently clean your mouth every time after vomiting. Tea can reduce bad breath is not good. Food for pregnant women should contain a balanced nutritional, enough vitamins and natural fiber fruits and vegetables. We recommend that you wash fruits and vegetables that are about to be eaten raw to reduce pesticides and avoiding contaminated virus Toxoplasma gondii.
Pregnant women should avoid cigarette smoke and people who smoke. Miscarriage and premature infants due to fetal nicotine poisoning substances. Besides cigarettes also avoid alcohol, caffeine, drink supplement that is advertised on television, soft drinks containing energy supplements, herbal medicine - herbal or similar products are not guaranteed quality. If in doubt about a certain type beverage ask your doctor or midwife about how big the impact and effects on the fetus. Should i bu pregnant consume more healthy drinks, milk, fruit juices, soya, pea green water, white water.
Cleanliness of body and breast
Caring for body and breast hygiene is very important. But for pregnant women with a history of recurrent miscarriage should reduce stimulation (stimulating) attractive - attractive young nipples during pregnancy because it can stimulate the hormones oxytocin and causing contractions of the uterus. Note the cleanliness of the breast and body with a bath three times a day regularly. It is very important for healthy skin, blood circulation throughout the body smoothly. Enlargement of breast size makes the mother a little less comfortable at the beginning of pregnancy until the end of pregnancy. Use the appropriate bra size.
Hand hygiene
Pregnant women should maintain hand hygiene also nails. Always wash your hands every time you finish doing the work and before eating. Like to keep animals? Yes careful with cats and rabbits and poultry, planting flowers or maybe a hobby? Use gloves to avoid contamination by fertilizers or animal waste. Remember sometimes diarrhea caused by something that trivial and insignificant. But it could be dangerous for pregnant women. Body so weak, dehydrated and gastrointestinal infections. For those who like to play with cats, dogs, rabbits or poultry. Liver - liver is also the risk of toxoplasmosis virus spread through animal and poultry through the feces of the animal.
Maternal health is very important for the growth of the fetus in the womb of the mother. If the mother is healthy, then it can be ascertained fetal growth is also healthy. There are many things to consider during pregnancy. From simple things until something major must be taken to ensure that the fetus can grow healthy mothers without a virus disease.
Note the abdominal area
More and more abdominal bloating. It's a good sign of fetal growth means perfect. Then it should start preparing maternity clothes. Avoid wearing tight clothing. No need to worry about a lot of maternity clothes are fashionable and comfortable and not pressing on the abdomen. The greater the mother's pregnancy, you should get used to sleep on his side so that the circulation of blood from mother to fetus smoothly. Supine position for too long is not recommended for pregnant women. This distention also affects the balance of the body. While maintaining a balance with upright posture when walking so as not to slip or fall. If there are objects on the floor that will be taken, pregnant women should be dropped to one knee with caution. Should indirect bowing. Can be dropped because the body is not balanced.
Cleanliness of the genital area
During pregnancy should be more careful - careful genital hygiene. Germs can enter through the infected genitals. So get used to clean the genital area with benar.Cebok with clean water from the front genitals new section to the rear area of the rectum. No need to use an antiseptic wash the vagina as it will kill the good bacteria in the vagina that will resist the attacks of disease germs that try to get into the womb. Frequent change of underwear apparel. Wearing cotton underwear and loose. Keeping the panties are always dry and clean. Do not worry with whitish as this due to hormonal changes. Unless changed vaginal discharge foul odor, thick green or yellow with itching. If there is a venereal disease husbands should also be treated to prevent cross-infection or pass each other during intercourse.
Physical exercise and sports
If there is no prohibition of physician or midwife for pregnancy exercise, pregnancy exercise is important to do. The goal is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, increase endurance, practicing breathing and the circulation of blood. If not could be replaced with gymnastic exercises on foot every day for thirty minutes. There are some circumstances that are at risk of pregnancy miscarriage does not allow the mother to walk even have total bed rest. Well what can make, should be enjoyed alone. In its place on the bed you can do the Kegel exercises. Thank God can still get pregnant with all its consequences for the safety of the baby.
Special attention leg area
Avoid wearing high heels. Pregnant women should not use high-heeled shoes to prevent the damming of the blood vessels in the legs. At the time sleeping or lying leg always try in the higher position. If you must work with a high heel shoe heart - the heart goes not to fall can be fatal. Occasionally both also soak feet in warm water with salt. Husband can help his wife foot massages while pregnant with olive oil or lotion gently while sitting in a chair. This helps blood circulation, prevent varicose veins getting worse, reduce complaints of cramping and soreness in the foot.
Relax and give your body a chance to rest
Pregnant women will spend extra energy to the body's metabolic processes and replacement of damaged body cells. When did all this take place? when we relax and sleep. How long is a good time for a break? During the day just one or two hours and at night about eight hours. Do not be surprised sometimes when a pregnant woman sleeping nightmares. No need to relate it to the myth. It's natural anxiety that sometimes there are hidden below the conscious and revealed in a dream while sleeping. Therefore, sharing the ups and downs are very important between husband and wife during pregnancy to reduce the burden of mental and physical stress.

Anti Aging Hand Treatments
Posted on | Tuesday, December 13, 2011 | No Comments
Your face is not the only part of your body that can reveal your age. The bulging veins, dry skin, lightening discoloration, and sunspots on your hands can also make you look older. In the event you require your hands to look more youthful, then you require anti aging hand treatments that work.
Products that help the body produce more collagen and elastin will help thicken the skin and make it look more youthful.
There's lots of anti aging hand treatments obtainable and it can be hard to choose the that works for you. Your choice ought to depend on the condition and type of your skin.
For narrow and wrinkly skin, look for natural products that contain alpha-hydroxy acids, retinoids and peptides.
These ingredients help thicken your skin and helps in the production of collagen, a protein that maintains the skin's elasticity, suppleness, thickness, and overall appearance.
Veins on your hands can also make you look older. Anti aging hand treatments that help build collagen can make your skin more plump so that your veins will be less visible.
A number of the natural ingredients that help your body build more collagen are aloe, avocado extract, and lavender. Look for these natural ingredients in hand treatment products that you plan to buy.
Dryness can also make your hands look elderly. As you grow older, your hands produce less oil, causing it to lose moisture and look elderly.
For dryness, look for hands creams and lotions that contain urea, glycerin, or hyaluronic acid. These ingredients boost hydration and also draw in moisture in your skin.
Sunspots or age spots are also of the things that can make your hands look older. Sunspots are areas on the skin that appear darker or lighter than normal after being exposed to sunlight.
To protect your hands from sunlight, find natural anti aging hand treatments that protects your skin from the effects of UV exposure. Look for products that contain mineral sunblocks such as titanium or zinc.
Exposure to sunlight damages the melanocytes (pigment-producing cells) in the skin and causes brown spots to form.
For more protection against sunlight, natural products that contain 2% hydroquinone (HQ) are as well as a sensible choice.
Hydroquinone suppresses the production of melanin (pigment that causes discoloration) by working inside the melanocytes. For faster results, choose natural products that also contain alpha-hydroxy acid or retinol.
In the event you require the best protection, look for sunscreen products that contain Helioplex, Mexoryl, or avobenzone.
It can be hard to choose from the dozens of products out there. keep in mind that the best products are those that use natural ingredients. Follow these tips to find anti aging hand treatments that work for you.
What in the event you are finding it hard to find anti aging hand treatments to get back that youthful appearance?
Sometimes it is difficult to regain that youthful appearance to hands that you so desire, but in the event you require to regain that youthful look again you'll require to learn about the effective compounds that work wonderfully well in attaining a more youthful appearance to your hands.

Sitting All Day Body Make You Fat Bottom
Posted on | Thursday, December 8, 2011 | 1 Comment
The study surprisingly found that the pressure imposed on the body area that used to sit or lie down to produce up to 50 percent more fat in the parts that terisolasi.Apalagi kuarng combined with a healthy diet and less body motion.
This study describes for the first time describe bahhkan them with a healthy diet and exercise habits will be affected if they spend a long time to sit behind a desk.
The researchers found that preadipocyte cells - the precursors to fat cells - and turn into fat cells produce more fat even when 'quiet' on a prolonged period - when the tissue weight ditumpukan on our bodies when we sit or lie down.
By studying the MRI images of the muscle tissue of patients paralyzed by spinal cord injury, from time to time, rows of fat cells to attack the major muscles in the body.
In laboratory tests, serangkatan preadipocytes stimulated with glucose or insulin to convert it into fat cells. They were then placed in individual cells in cell stretching device, attach them to a flexible substrate and elastic. Dibentang cell test group consistently for long periods of time, which represents an extension of time sitting or lying down, while the control group of cells did not.
The researchers noted the development of liquid droplets in the second test group. The result, when the cells reach maturity, the group receiving mechanical stretch has developed 50 percent more fat than the control group.
Professor Amit Gefen, from Tel Aviv University, mengatakandari study concluded obesity is more than just an imbalance of calories. "The cell itself is also responsive to their mechanical environment. Fat cells produce more triglycerides [main form of fat stored in the body], and .. at a faster rate, when exposed to static stretching," he said.
Thus said Professor Gefen, if you want to weight the body balanced, not just a calorie intake is concerned, but also the body should move. This research has been published in the American Journal of Physiology.

Recognize Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Posted on | Wednesday, December 7, 2011 | No Comments
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue. Cancer can begin to grow in the milk glands, milk ducts, fatty tissue and connective tissue in the breast.
Risk Factors
Some of the factors that influence risk are:
- The age factor. About 60% of breast cancers occur in over 60 years. The greatest risk found in women aged over 75 years.
- Ever had breast cancer. After the affected breast removed, then the risk of breast cancer in a healthy increase of 0.5-1% / year.
- Family history of breast cancer. Women who are mothers, sisters or children suffering from cancer, had a three times greater risk for breast cancer.
- Genetic and hormonal factors.
- Had suffered from non-cancerous breast disease.
- Menarche (first menstruation) before age 12, menopause after age 55 years, first pregnancy after age 30 years or had never been pregnant.
- Use of birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy.
- Obesity after menopause.
- The use of alcohol more than 1-2 cups / day can increase the risk of breast cancer.
- Of chemicals. Several studies have mentioned the chemical exposure that mimic estrogens (contained in pesticides and other industrial products) may increase the risk of breast cancer.
- DES (diethylstilbestrol). Women who took DES to prevent miscarriage have a higher risk of breast cancer.

Symptoms of Lupus Disease
Posted on | Friday, November 25, 2011 | 4 Comments

Own sense of the word lupus is Latin for "coyotes". This term began to be known about a century ago. Initially, patients with this disease have abnormalities of the skin, in the form of redness around the nose and cheeks. Red blotches on the face and arms, heat and prolonged fatigue, hair loss, swollen joints and often arise sprue. This disease not only affects the skin, but also can affect almost every organ in the body.
Symptoms - symptoms of this disease is known as Systemic Lupus Eritomatosus (LES). Eritomatosus means reddish, whereas significant widespread control every aspect of systemic organs.
Symptoms Lupus
1. The skin is easily burned by the sun and the incidence of digestive disorders.
2. Symptoms generally sufferers often feel weak, excessive fatigue, fever and aches. These symptoms are mainly found in the active period, whereas during remission (inactive) did not feel the symptoms again.
3. In the skin, it would appear that ran a red rash on both cheeks, like a butterfly. Sometimes called the (butterfly rash). However, disc-like red rash may appear on the skin throughout the body, prominent and sometimes scaly. Seeing the many symptoms of this disease, the woman who was attacked by two or more symptoms alone, should be suspected of having lupus.
4. Anemia caused by red blood cells are destroyed by this lupus
5. Hair loss and fatigue often excessive
In pregnancies of women who suffer from lupus, often believed to be related to pregnancy that causes abortion, fetal development or the baby died at birth. But the opposite is also possible or even worsen the symptoms of lupus. Lupus symptoms appear frequently encountered during pregnancy or after childbirth.
The body has immunity to attack the disease and keeping healthy. However, in this disease actually attacks the immune system healthy organ. Lupus disease allegedly related to the immunological system of the excess. In one's body that functions contained antibodies that would attack the source of the disease enters the body. Uniquely, this lupus antibodies formed in the body appears excessive. The result, antibodies actually attack the cells of a healthy body tissue. This disorder is called autoimmunity. This excess antibody, can enter the entire network in two ways:
- First, antibodies can directly attack this strange body tissue, such as red blood cells which causes the cell to be destroyed. This is what lead to the sufferer of red blood cell deficiency or anemia.
- Second, antibodies can be joined with an antigen (a substance stimulating the formation of antibodies), forming a bond called immune complexes. Combined antibody and antigen flow with blood, until caught in the capillary blood vessels will cause inflammation. Under normal circumstances, the complex will be limited by inflammatory cells (phagocytes) However, in abnormal circumstances, this complex can not be restricted as well. In fact, inflammatory cells had increased a lot, removing enzymes, which cause inflammation around the complex. The result, the process will be prolonged inflammation and damage organs and interfere with its function. Furthermore, it will be seen as a symptom of disease. If this happens, then the long-term organ function will be disrupted.
What causes lupus?
The precise reason for the abnormal autoimmunity that causes lupus is unknown. Inherited genes, viruses, ultraviolet light, and certain drugs may all play some role.
Genetic factors increase the likelihood of developing autoimmune diseases, and autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and autoimmune thyroid disorders more common among relatives with lupus than the general population. Some scientists believe that the immune system in lupus is more easily stimulated by external factors like viruses or ultraviolet light. Sometimes, symptoms of lupus can be precipitated or aggravated by only a brief period of sun exposure.
It is well known that some women with SLE can experience worsening of their symptoms before their menstrual period. This phenomenon, together with the predominance of SLE in women, suggesting that female hormones play an important role in the expression of SLE. This hormonal relationship is an active area of research done by scientists.
More recently, studies have shown evidence that a key enzyme's failure to dispose of dead cells may contribute to the development of SLE. The enzyme, DNase1, normally eliminates the so-called "junk DNA" and other cellular debris by chopping them into tiny fragments for easier disposal. The researchers turned off the DNase1 gene in mice. The mice appeared healthy at birth, but after six to eight months, the majority of mice without DNase1 showed signs of SLE. Thus, genetic mutations in genes that can disrupt the body's waste disposal cells may be involved in the initiation of SLE.
Things that can cause disease relapse:
- Avoid stress
- Keeping order is not directly exposed to sunlight
- Reduce the excessive workload
- Avoid the use of certain drugs

Hair Loss Causes And Natural Remedies
Posted on | Thursday, November 24, 2011 | 4 Comments
Hair loss is of the most common issues faced by men & ladies all over the world. every individual suffers from hair fall at some point in his life & in today's living surroundings even young people in their early twenties are turning bald. In this article let us discuss about its causes & some of the choice treatments you can use to prevent or cease further loss of hair.
There's numerous factors that can lead to loss of hair but its main reason is an enzyme that converts in to Dihydrotestosterone which gets deposited at the base of the hair follicles thereby blocking the growth of new hair. Hence they can assume that hair loss is usually caused by hormonal imbalance in the body. In men hair fall could be a hereditary issue but in ladies it is usually caused due to menopause. Other reasons of hair loss could be sedentary lifestyle, scalp infections, stress, depression, side effect of some medications and so on.
Remedies For Hair Fall
It's been revealed by plenty of specialist researchers that magnesium, biotin, vitamin b6 and zinc are highly essential for normal growth of hair and they are helpful in bringing out the DHT levels in the body. If takes a mix of these minerals and nutrients they can greatly minimize his issue of hair loss.
Hair Care
The best way to prevent hair loss is through their proper care which is not impossible. For example avoid using shampoos regularly as they make the hair narrow and weak due to the presence of harmful chemicals in them in lieu use herbal shampoos which are popular nowadays due to the nourishment they provide, apply oil to your hair every day to make your hair roots strong and prevent hair loss.
Modern Medicine
Minoxidil is as well as a very effective medicine for stopping loss of hair, it's been approved by FDA but there's some side effects associated with it like irritation in the eyes, itching & redness in the area being treated. But it still remains to be an effective drug for hair loss.
Natural Medicines
There's plenty of natural treatments which can help in this condition. Herbs like emblica officinalis, saw palmetto and serenosa repens have been used for hundreds of years in alternative kind of medicine for optimal hair care. Herbal products like trichozed and hair again contain such herbs and are effective and popular for maintaining healthy hair.

Pomegranate fruit juice Aging Medicine
Posted on | Wednesday, November 23, 2011 | No Comments
Trigger Sinusitis Tonsillitis Chronic Inflammation
Chronic tonsillitis can cause complications to the surrounding area in the form of recurring nasal inflammation, sinus inflammation (sinusitis) or inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) in a sustainable manner.
ENT specialist Dr Abdi Earth Suryanto Sp.THT explained, the germs that cause tonsillitis can spread through blood and lymph so that it can cause inflammation of the heart muscles, joints, kidneys, eyes, and skin.
If no complications, tonsillitis usually lasts only about a few days and go away without treatment. Tonsillitis is because the virus can last much longer up to a matter of weeks.
Complications can occur when there is a secondary infection in the middle ear or sinuses. Another possible complication of tonsillitis is a peritonsillar abscess (quinsy). This happens when a group of bacteria that encouraged by the growth of new tissue. Abscess is not in the tonsils anymore but on one side.

Trigger Sinusitis Tonsillitis Chronic Inflammation
Posted on | Tuesday, November 22, 2011 | No Comments
Chronic tonsillitis can cause complications to the surrounding area in the form of recurring nasal inflammation, sinus inflammation (sinusitis) or inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) in a sustainable manner.
ENT specialist Dr Abdi Earth Suryanto Sp.THT explained, the germs that cause tonsillitis can spread through blood and lymph so that it can cause inflammation of the heart muscles, joints, kidneys, eyes, and skin.
If no complications, tonsillitis usually lasts only about a few days and go away without treatment. Tonsillitis is because the virus can last much longer up to a matter of weeks.
Complications can occur when there is a secondary infection in the middle ear or sinuses. Another possible complication of tonsillitis is a peritonsillar abscess (quinsy). This happens when a group of bacteria that encouraged by the growth of new tissue. Abscess is not in the tonsils anymore but on one side.

Benefits of Onions for Fit To Drugs Always Younger
Posted on | Monday, November 21, 2011 | No Comments
For mothers who often cooks in the kitchen, of course familiar with the garlic. Besides other than for use as a food flavor enhancer, this one kind of spice that has many benefits in the health sector. When crushed, garlic produces a substance called allicin. Alicin has many advantages to guard against certain diseases.
In addition, garlic has many benefits as an antibacterial and an antioxidant. As an antioxidant, garlic may slow the aging process so that it can be a 'cure' of youth.
The benefits of garlic as quoted from the site Village, said that eating garlic per day is proven to reduce the risk of colds by 50 percent. Garlic also provide vitamins A, B and C and essential minerals including iron, iodine, potassium, selenium, zinc, calcium and magnesium.
Antibacterial properties contained in garlic efficacious against infections. Garlic peeled and applied to the skin can clear a fungal infection that causes ringworm. The study also mentions young garlic can help prevent food poisoning, kill certain bacteria such as E. Coli (causes diarrhea). In the U.S., is now commonly used garlic oil for heart disease therapy.

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