Recognize Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Posted on | Wednesday, December 7, 2011 | No Comments
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue. Cancer can begin to grow in the milk glands, milk ducts, fatty tissue and connective tissue in the breast.
Risk Factors
Some of the factors that influence risk are:
- The age factor. About 60% of breast cancers occur in over 60 years. The greatest risk found in women aged over 75 years.
- Ever had breast cancer. After the affected breast removed, then the risk of breast cancer in a healthy increase of 0.5-1% / year.
- Family history of breast cancer. Women who are mothers, sisters or children suffering from cancer, had a three times greater risk for breast cancer.
- Genetic and hormonal factors.
- Had suffered from non-cancerous breast disease.
- Menarche (first menstruation) before age 12, menopause after age 55 years, first pregnancy after age 30 years or had never been pregnant.
- Use of birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy.
- Obesity after menopause.
- The use of alcohol more than 1-2 cups / day can increase the risk of breast cancer.
- Of chemicals. Several studies have mentioned the chemical exposure that mimic estrogens (contained in pesticides and other industrial products) may increase the risk of breast cancer.
- DES (diethylstilbestrol). Women who took DES to prevent miscarriage have a higher risk of breast cancer.

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