Healthy Foods For Diabetes Control
Posted on | Friday, December 16, 2011 | 1 Comment
When you are diabetic you are oftentimes faced with the necessity to eat an appropriate diet that will help you control lots of of the signs associated with this disease. In fact by eating the right foods you may even be able to reduce your need for insulin. The normal method of eating involves consuming food that is then turned to sugar. This sugar is transported from the bloodstream to the body's cells by insulin. Regrettably, diabetics do not produce sufficient quantities of insulin to do this effectively. Therefore a bigger portion of the sugar remains in the bloodstream leading to the condition of "high blood sugar". There's several things that can be done to help you to control your blood sugar in the event you are diabetic. These include: diet, exercise and medication.Dairy Products: You ought to limit dairies to foods such as yogurt and milk to no over two servings per day. Lovely choices could include low overweight milk and sugar free fruit flavored yogurts.
Diet for diabetes: Blood sugar levels are most affected by carbohydrates. Limiting your carbohydrate intake is an excellent idea. Use carbs that are lowest in starches and highest in fiber. The higher fiber will help slow down your food digestion which will then slow down the release of sugar in to your bloodstream. Lovely food choices here would include; brown rice and whole grain cereals and fruits such as strawberries, apples or bananas.
Meats: You need protein so pick lean healthy cuts of meats such as roasted turkey or chicken breast. Limit the overweight intake and keep the protein level to 4-7 oz per day. You can also substitute meat with egg whites or low overweight cottage cheese.
Vegetables: Try to consume non starchy vegetables because these are lowest in carbohydrate content. You ought to aim for 3-5 servings per day. A serving is equivalent to cup of cooked or one cup raw vegetables. Lovely examples include carrots, broccoli and green beans.
Healthy Fats: Healthy fats are important for diabetics. You ought to strive for 3-4 every day servings. The best choices would include; olive oil, vegetable oil and margarine. The key is balanced, healthy meals that stabilize blood sugar. Balanced eating will also have the added benefits of controlling blood pressure and levels of cholesterol as well as help to prevent low blood sugar reactions that often affect diabetics. Additionally a healthy diet will keep your weight under control which is also an issue for lots of diabetics. You may require to work together with your medical doctor or a registered dietician to generate a healthy and simple to incorporate diet. These medical professionals will take in to account all of the various factors necessary such as your weight, height, activity level, medications you may be taking and current blood glucose levels.
Eat Smaller Meals: Make sure to keep portion sizes under control and don't skip meals. It is best to eat 4-5 "mini meals" each day with several hours between meals. By keeping a steadier flow of food digesting through your body you will help to keep your blood sugar levels stabilized.
Sugars and Salt in your diet: Yes, a moderate amount of sugar is acceptable in the diet. However it ought to be completed sparingly and as a treat and not a regular part of the every day diet. You ought to also keep in mind that fruit and fruit juices have high levels of sugar so you require to take this in to account. Use artificial sweeteners sparingly if at all. A lovely sugar substitute is stevia. Salt ought to even be used in moderation. Plenty of processed and canned foods are loaded with added salt so look for labels that say sodium free. Incorporate a variety of spices in to your foods as a replacement for the usual salt.
Following these guidelines will help you keep your diabetes under control. Remember when you have been diagnosed with any medical condition always follow the advice and guidance of a medical professional, particularly if you are taking prescription medications.

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December 18, 2011 at 9:19 PM
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Healthy Foods to Eat