Fruit Efficacious for Skin Health
Posted on | Sunday, August 28, 2011 | 2 Comments
Here are some pieces are efficacious for the health of your skin:

What Is It Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Posted on | Tuesday, August 23, 2011 | 1 Comment
Hypnotherapy or creative visualization lets us discover and to heal the part of us that is constantly affecting our thoughts, feelings, and experience:our unconscious mind. It is through the conscious meeting of unconscious thoughts, feelings, sensations, and the discovery and development of our own powerful inner resources that actual modify can happen.
By discovering and exploring what is usually less than conscious, they reduce the unconscious influence it's over us and bring it in to alignment with our conscious goals.
Here are some of the issues for which hypnotherapy has been shown to be effective:
- Stress reduction
- Anxiety
- Depression
- All kinds of Addictions
- Social anxiety
- Enhancing personal performance
- Sleep disorders
- Weight management
- Post Traumatic stress
- Increasing self-confidence
- Alleviating Pain
- Anger issues
- Phobias
It is a natural state of mind that all of us experience every day in various ways, for example: before they wake up in the morning and before they go to sleep at night, watching TV, reading, driving, day dreaming, meditating, sitting quietly in nature, or so engrossed in a project or activity that they lose all sense of time. The only difference between our natural every day trance states and trance induced in a hypnotherapy session is that it is created intentionally and deepened for therapeutic purposes.
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The hypnotherapist is there to guide you, but cannot cause you to do anything or accept any suggestion without your consent and participation. Although the analytic conscious mind is dormant in this state, it is always functioning. The mind has its safeguards and will only reveal that which the client is willing see. It is a myth that people are under the control of the hypnotist. Those that get up on stage in hypnosis demonstrations are carefully picked for their hypnotizability and their willingness to go along with the hypnotist's suggestions!
Therapeutic hypnosis is a natural state of deep relaxation, combined with heightened suggestibility and concentration. In the hands of a trained hypnotherapist it is a safe and powerful tool for therapeutic alter.
- 10% of our mind functions as our conscious mind, or the "thinking mind". This is where they access our temporary memory and our will power.
- There is a barrier between the conscious and unconscious minds that is called the "critical factor" of mind. Its job is to filter out or block ideas and beliefs not in agreement with our past experience or conditioning.
- 90% of our mind functions as our unconscious mind, or "feeling mind", which controls all our bodily processes, holds our unconscious and repressed memories, beliefs, and emotions. It is also the source of our imagination, creativity, and intuition. The language of the unconscious is feelings (its motivational power) and imagination (its technique of communication and creativity).
In the hypnotic state of mind, this critical filter relaxes more basically, allowing suggestions in to the unconscious (however, the client always has the conscious power to reject a suggestion!). The relaxation of the critical filter between the conscious and unconscious minds is what gives the hypnotic state its power to affect modify. When they enter this state therapeutically, they have the chance to neutralize or replace elderly limiting fears and negative beliefs with empowering and positive ones. They can also identify and transform repressed material that limits us or is the reason for our undesirable signs or addictions.

Alternative Medicine with Nettle Leaf
Posted on | Monday, August 22, 2011 | No Comments
After years of being ignored or held in contempt, the nettle star is rising. Perhaps it is the disenchantment with modern drugs or the cost of those drugs that is sending plenty of back the the ancient wisdom of the healing power of plants. Nettle is a major player on this stage.
In simpler, slower paced times than that in which they live, people all over the world were savvy about the healing power of plants such as nettle leaf. In fact, nettle has been included in herbalist writings for hundreds of years. For the last fifty or sixty years in the United States nettle has grown unnoticed by streams, has been cursed by campers who got in to it, and has been sprayed with herbicides by those who thought about it an intolerable pest.
Over the centuries herbalists have agreed that nettle leaf is a diuretic, astringent, galactagogue, hemostatic, and a tonic. This is an impressive list. Modern research is tying these properties to the vitamins and minerals plentiful in nettle leaf. For example, this herb is high in vitamin K which helps blood to clot. No wonder females approaching childbirth were encouraged to drink plenty of nettle tea.
What might have one time been passed off as folklore now has a scientific explanation. As more is discovered about the connection between vitamin/minerals and the alleviation of common health issues, the nettle leaf score will continue to increase. This is herb to take a close look at, to study, and to experiment with.
The wise nettle forager wears long pants, a long-sleeved shirt and a heavy pair of gloves. Do less than this and you will never forage for nettle leaf again!
The herb is often known as stinging nettle and for a nice reason. The nettle is covered with little needle-like spines. In the event you don't know this in advance, you could be in huge trouble on the front finish of a foraging campaign. Each small needle injection a stinging potion in to your skin. The stinging can continue for some time.
Use clippers on the nettle stems, the longer handled, the better. Keep as much distance as feasible between the nettle plants and you. Place the pruning in a box or huge bag for the trip home.
Enjoying Nettle Leaf Benefits
Left to itself, nettle makes a insipid tea. Well, add lemon and honey and you have some flavor. Think about it a hot lemonade. But, you can add a variety of flavor-filled herbs like mint, lemon verbena, chamomile, or orange blossoms.
In case you require to drink the tea through the day, use a giant tea pot for brewing one time. Drink at room temperature after the pot cools. Heating the tea after the preliminary brew could destroy some of the nutritive value.
To brew the tea, put about three tablespoon of herb in a cup and fill with boiling water. Cover the cup with a saucer or such to keep the brew warm while it works its magic. Oils, vitamins and minerals are released in to the hot water, leaving them highly absorbed for you. Sweeten to taste in case you desire.
Giant, dense infusions can be made for baths. In her Herbal Body Book Jeanne Rose recommends nettle baths to stimulate the skin and increase circulation. He even suggests it might help with arthritis. This is herb to experiment with.

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Posted on | Sunday, August 21, 2011 | 1 Comment
That is of the important facts that you will require to keep in mind with traditional Chinese medicine. What physicians in this field do is they will focus on acupuncture and herbs that can help to improve the flow of energy in your body and help to generate a level of healing that is going to help to improve your overall health. This of work may take a tiny time to show to be effective, but finally you will find that the approach is a positive. In fact, most people tend to experience rapid positive results when they turn to this type of medicine.
Although it's been around for over 4,000 years, people still look at traditional Chinese medicine as nothing over a used age fad. The truth of the matter is this type of medicine can be more effective than Western medicine and provide individuals with the chance to heal their whole body in the method by using an approach that focus on total wellness, than pinpointing a single ailment.
Some people though may find the method of using traditional Chinese medicine unusual at first. The reason is that you are going to be introduced with a list of important adjustments that you are going to require to make in your life. This will be things like eating less processed foods and quitting drinking and smoking in case you currently do either. This will help the toxins to leave your body and then you can approach your life in a healthier manner that is going to help your body to quickly heal.
Think of it in this manner. When you use the approach of Western medicine, you will often take a pill that has been chemically created to help particular area of concern. This in turn may cause you to have side effects in your body that add a necessity for new medications to be taken. However, when you look at traditional Chinese medicine, you will find that the aim is to get total body health and with natural herbs and approaches, you can start to heal your body.
Unlike other forms of medical treatment, you are going to find that traditional Chinese medicine is a proven. With thousands of years of knowledge to work with, the benefits and experiences with different herbs and minerals is well documented unlike modern medicine. That means you can truly know what to anticipate and be comfortable in knowing that the chances of you improving your health will greatly increase with this method.
Take a moment to find an individual you can go to and start the journey to a healthier lifestyle. You are going to find that there's a few professionals that will be willing to help you in this method and each will offer you the steps you require to get to a place you haven't been yet, with the healing approach that is used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Symptoms and Causes of Cervical Cancer
Posted on | Wednesday, August 17, 2011 | No Comments
Cervical cancer (cervix uteri carcinoma)This attack cervical cancer, namely the transition of the uterus into the hole intercourse (vagina) and the type of cancer that ranks first against women. In general, patients with cervical cancer in Indonesia after the advanced stage of the new treatment so difficult because at this stage ginaekolog can only alleviate the suffering. In developed countries, cases of cervical cancer has declined somewhat. This is because the efforts of secondary prevention and early detection through pap smear programs are carried out periodically and regularly.
Pap smear is a microscopic examination of tissue from the cervix uteri that can detect cancer cells. The combination of pap smear and colposcopy (observation Vagina) is a diagnostic tool in detecting early cervical cancer. This cancer began to be discovered at the age of 25-34 years, peak at age 45-54 years.
In general, cervical cancer is classified into two, namely preinvasif cervical cancer and invasive cervical cancer. Cervical cancer begins preinvasif of abnormal changes, at least until the change of cervical cells that cover cervical cancer is abnormal. Preinvasif Cervical cancer is most likely (75-90%) can be cured if found early and appropriate treatment. If left untreated will turn into an invasive cancer seriks difficult to cure. Invasive cervical cancer, the cancer cells that have penetrated the deepest part of the cervical tissue and has spread to other tissues via the lymph vessels.
Symptoms of cervical cancer depend on the rate of growth (stage). In the early stages often causes no symptoms at all, unless the complaint due to infection, such as vaginal discharge. Sometimes found any vaginal bleeding outside of menstruation, pains bleeding after sexual intercourse, and infection of the urinary tract and bladder. At an advanced stage resulting in pelvic pain, bleeding like dishwater and smelled fishy daing, loss of appetite, weight loss, anemia due to bleeding, and fistula arising vesikovaginal or rectovaginal fistula.
The cause of cervical cancer is not known with certainty, but it is thought about 95% by a similar virus human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. In addition, there are some risk factors that lead to cancer of the cervix. The following factors trigger cervical cancer:
- Having sex at a young age (less than 20 years)
- Frequent change of sexual partner
- Pregnancy repeatedly (often birth)
- Viral and bacterial infections (herpes simplex virus and papilloma virus)
- Smoking (as a predisposing factor), nicotine and other substances contained in cigarettes may interfere with cervical epithelial cells
Although the cause of this cancer is unknown, but there are some precautions to prevent cervical cancer. The following preventive measures:
- Avoid sexual intercourse at a young age
- Faithful to your partner, do not have multiple sexual partners
- Maintain cleanliness of equipment you and your partner genital
- For women who have sexual relationships and childbearing, it is recommended to do the pap smear once a year.
- Eat a nutritious and balanced

A Weight Loss Plan For Success
Posted on | Tuesday, August 16, 2011 | No Comments
Everyone wants to have an ideal body weight, both men and women want it. How can so that we can maintain body weight in order not to be obese. For people who are overweight have to do to lose weight.
The formula for losing weight is simple: eat less and exercise more. But, it's not really all that simple, is it?
Long-term weight loss isn't impossible, but you do have to be committed. Having a weight loss plan for your success is a good start. Here are ten items that should go into your weight loss plan.
- Eat breakfast. This keeps you from getting too hungry later and then losing control over what you choose to eat later in the day.
- Stock your refrigerator and pantry with healthy foods and snacks and limit high-fat, high-salt snacks such as potato chips and cookies.
- Fill up on Fiber. Eat foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The fibers in these foods will fill you up leaving less room for unhealthy choices.
- Don't fall into bad habits on weekends. Many people will follow a strict diet on weekends only to fall back into eating more (unhealthy) on the weekends as a reward for "being good" all week. Unfortunately, this can cause you to regain tahe weight you may have lost during the week.
- Watch portion sizes. Your perception of what a serving size should be and a "true" serving size can differ dramatically. Measuare your portions accurately, especially when you first start your healthy eating regime.
- Set lifestyle goals - not weight loss goals. Commitment to eating healthy foods does lead to healthy weight loss -- gradually. Looking at your weight daily can cause discouragement and will make many people give up and go back to unhealthy food choices.
- Take healthy snacks with you when you take road trips. Grab healthy granola bars, bananas, apples and other fruit to prevent the tempation of stopping for a cancy bar or milk shake.
- Don't deny yourself the foods you love. If you absolutely love chocolate, go ahead and have a small pice - half of a candy bar insteaad of a whole one! And avoid eating your "splurges" every day. Save them for when you really need them!
- Start moving. Exercise is the key to long term weight loss. You've heard the saying, "Move it or lose it." Too true!
- Keep a journal. Writing down what you eat, when and how much you exercise and your moods will keep you on track and motivated to continue the course.
Do not give up easily if you are not changing. Keep trying and should have a high intention to lose weight. Good Luck!

Binaural Beats
Posted on | Monday, August 15, 2011 | No Comments
- Create deep states of meditation.
- Boost your intelligence and creativity.
- Slow aging.
- Create remarkable emotional changes at a very deep level.
- Eliminate Stress & anxiety.

How to Increase Breast Milk for Breastfeeding Mothers
Posted on | Sunday, August 14, 2011 | No Comments

- Drink plenty of water. A breastfeeding mother should consume about 3 liters of water every day. It may sound very much, but breastfeeding mothers will always feel thirsty. The right amount of water will help increase breast milk production.
- Diet also affects the quality of breast milk, for that you must maintain your diet and change unhealthy eating patterns become healthy diet. Like a lot of consumption of fruits, vegetables and meats high in protein.
- Avoid milk formula. Many mothers give formula to babies because they think breast milk has not sufficient milk your baby needs. And with bottle feeding, breast milk you are also getting less. The content of infant formula is the better so that your baby has been sated when you want to giving out breast milk.
- Breast massage. Massage the breast in breast sekitas, then compress the breast with warm water and cold water alternately. This is useful for stimulating the muscles and hormones around the breast, so breast milk out of your breasts more.
- Always Relax. A study menyebutka, more than 80% of mothers did not work about providing exclusive breastfeeding because the mother is distracted. Santaikan your mind and throw away the thoughts that create stress.
- Enough exercise can help keep the body shapes, even physical health can also maintain the quality of breast milk. Sports are pretty at least one day one hour.
- Eat foods that can increase breast milk.
I hope it can help you to expedite the mother's milk the natural way.

How to Get a Baby Boy or Girl
Posted on | Thursday, August 11, 2011 | No Comments
Each partner would have wanted a baby boy or girl, but in antiquity it can not be regulated in accordance with our wishes. Now the development of more and more time to grow. It is not possible to be realized. Especially in getting a baby boy or girl.There are several methods or ways for us to get the children according to our wishes, but still God who decides everything. Keep praying to Him.
Every time ejaculation, normal male sperm release 2 to 5 sprays. In that duration, the sperm produced about 2 to 5 cc. Normal sperm per cc contains 60-200 million sperm. So every man ejaculate, 120 to 1 billion sperm has been removed from his body.
As we know, there are two genes in the sperm. Androsperma also called Gen Y and Gynosperma which we might call a gene X. Gen Y is the gene that allows us a mother pregnant with girls, whereas the gene X is the opposite. If husband and wife are equally dominant X gene was then most likely, both will have a daughter. But if the father's dominant genes Y and X genes of the mother then the chances of the children born are male. Nonetheless, it is counting logic that never beat the wonders of nature and power of God.
How to calculate ovulation or peak fertility of a woman:
Known to date the beginning of the net of a woman every month, for example, each dated 05.
Known date of the end of the net of a woman every month, for example, each dated 27.
The formula: ((date each month) - (date of each month)) / 2 = n;
then n + net early days of the date of a woman = ovulation or peak fertile period of a woman
Characteristics of spermatozoa:
*Androsperma, carrying the Y gene:
- Moving more slowly.
- Better able to survive longer (an average of approximately 2 to 3 days).
- More resistant in acidic conditions.
- Not stand in a wet atmosphere.
- Gravity has a lighter.
*Gynosperma, carries a gene X:
- Move more swiftly.
- Life is shorter (an average of approximately only 1 day)
- Not stand under acidic conditions.
- More resistant in wet atmosphere.
- Has a heavier weight type.
1. The position of intercourse, body position should be regulated
so that the husband's sperm to reach as close to the mouth
uterus that opens. It required considerable penetration of the penis
in. With the oblique body position is expected to simplify what
2. One study showed that the higher number of sperm cells
who fertilize the egg, then it is likely to have children acquire
men have also increased, one way is to do
"Fast" and carry out when ovulation occurs, by measuring the temperature
wife's body, pay attention to cervical mucus, or by calculation 14
plus minus one day of the next menstrual period.
3. Warm environment will kill the sperm cells, avoid clothes
in a too tight, avoid the sauna bath before intercourse.
4. The atmosphere of the cervix which bases are the most appropriate environment,
female orgasm during this alkaline environment automatically happen.
5. Drink 1-2 cups of coffee before intercourse allegedly
could make it more aggressive sperm cells within the egg.
1. The acidic environment necessary for this process, so that penetration
penises should not be too deep because cervical mucus is more
2. Relationships done about 3 days before ovulation occurs. this
intended that the entire Y sperm die, whereas the X sperm and inseminate living
3. Diets high in calcium and magnesium can also increase the likelihood
growth of female fetuses in the womb.
Another way is medically microsorting ie sperm sorting X and Y is desired, another way is by screening embryos session data.
Baby boys and girls alike. The important thing is how to educate our children to be a good boy. How in your opinion?

Essential Fatty Acids Improve Your Brain Power and Mental Health
Posted on | Tuesday, August 9, 2011 | 1 Comment
Did you know that the Essential Fatty Acids Improve Brain Power and Mental Health. Over 50% of your brain is made of good fat. Twenty percent of this good fat comes from EPA and DHA. Remember EPA and DHA comes from,* omega-3 fatty acids
* eating fish
* borage oil
* primrose oil
* parilla oil
* NOK oil
Have you ever heard of NKO Krill Oil. This oil is the new kid on the block. It comes from Antarctic krill, a crustacean found in the Antarctic waters. It provides EPA and DHA like borage oil does, but its chemical structure is phospholipids. Phospholipids are easier for your cells to absorb than borage oil's EPA and DHA, which is in the form of triglycerides.
The essential fatty acids provide the chemical molecules to make Phospholipids. These phospholipids gather together to form a protective barrier around each cell in your body.
If the fatty acids are in phospholipids form, your body is able to use them quicker and more efficiently.
This is what makes NOK oil a more bio-available advanced oil than borage or primrose oil.
If you are deficient in the essential fatty acids, you will be more susceptible to these conditions:
* Alzheimer's disease
* Anxiety and body stress
* Heart disease
* Attention deficit disorder
* Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
* Bipolar disorder
* Chronic fatigue syndrome
* Depression
* Learning disorders
* Memory impairment
* Parkinson's disease
* Schizophrenia
Making Your Brain Work Like It Should
Your brain needs a good daily supply of the essential fatty acid omega-3. It also uses omega-6 and AA (Arachidonic acid). So this means taking a good dose of NKO oil is a necessary daily routine for keeping your brain from shrinking.
Alzheimer's Disease
Doctors believe that if every one lived to be over 120 years, they would come down with Alzheimer's disease. It is a disease that once your have it, all you can do, at this time, is to slow its progression using certain drugs and nutrients.
Before your brain starts to deteriorate to where it contains nodules of toxins, excess oxidation due to free radicals, and weaken and narrowing blood vessels, it might be a good idea to start feeding it the food it needs.
DHA is in order for Alzheimer's disease. When DHA is deficient in your diet, you can expect to have memory loss and become depressed as you age.
Lecithin is also in order since it helps to provide choline, a precursor to the memory neurotransmitter acetylcholine. It also provides the chemicals to produce RNA.
Heart disease is closely related to Alzheimer's because the heart must be strong enough to pump plenty of blood into the brain and the arteries must open enough to circulate enough blood through the brain and throughout your body.
Even if you don't come down with Alzheimer's or your family history doesn't support it, most of us are in line for dementia. Dementia is also attributed to deterioration of brain cells and support tissue. One of the causes of dementia is a diet that has been deficient in the essential fatty acids.
Here is my recommendation for supplementing with the essential fatty acids:
* Eat more good fish, at least once a week and occasionally twice a week
* Eat less fat and particularly saturated fat. A good number for daily fat intake is 15-20% of your overall calories.
* Take daily, flax seed oil and olive oil for the omega-3 and omega-6 oils
* Take a daily supplement of NKO or Borage oil, which supplies EPA and DHA
"May be useful for you to improve your brain power."

Outside Baby Born Happy Content
Posted on | Monday, August 8, 2011 | No Comments
However, the decision Nicolette Soto, 27, to retain the fetus outside the womb and challenging hazards sweet fruit. This tiny baby was born just a wall covered with a thin membrane and muscles in Arizona hospitals, in 32 weeks' gestation. Babies who are born with a birth weight 0.9 kg was declared as a rare event.
Babies Azelan Cruz - the baby is named, develop outside the mother's uterus and attached to the wall outside the womb. The placenta is not yet fully developed eventually attached to the outer wall of the uterus.
The doctor said it's easier to abortion rather than defend it. However, Nicolette and her partner through pregnancy reckless endangering.
In anticipation of complications, during surgery, the doctors prepare a urologist, trauma and radiology, and vascular surgeons in the birthing process. However, the tiny baby born safely without complex surgery.
One of the medical team, Dr. Rodney Edwards, who handles the birth of said cases of babies that grow outside the womb have not been there before. "It's just a case prove to the medical world, that things are not always predictable," he said as quoted by the NY Daily News.
Nicolette just feel her pregnancy at week 18. The doctors suggested he undergo the process of abortion as soon as they face the risk of fallopian tube rupture and fatal blood loss. Embryos are attached to the fallopian tubes, according to the medical team, can solve the fallopian tube at week 12 to 14.
Lost Rahim
Doctors also warned, could lose Nicolette uterus and intestines if not immediately made the appointment. Moreover, in this situation difficult to obtain placental blood supply which will add complexity. But the couple insisted defend their babies.
Since March, Nicolette was admitted to hospital and monitored team of doctors to give birth on Monday last week. The medical team said that the birth is much easier than imagined. There is no specific medical intervention and blood loss can be minimized.
The only thing that is different from the normal operation is a scar larger than the cesarean general. Soto declared healthy and able to go home four days later. Meanwhile, the baby must be hospitalized for three-four weeks before being allowed to go home.

Female Circumcision No Health Benefits Only Harm
Posted on | Sunday, August 7, 2011 | 1 Comment
- Clitoridectomy: partial or total removal of the clitoris (a small, sensitive and erectile part of the female genitals) and, in very rare cases, only the prepuce (the fold of skin surrounding the clitoris).
- Excision: partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora (the labia are "the lips" that surround the vagina).
- Infibulation: narrowing of the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal. The seal is formed by cutting and repositioning the inner, or outer, labia, with or without removal of the clitoris.
- Other: all other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes, e.g. pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterizing the genital area.
- Bleeding resulting in shock or death
- Infection in the pelvic organs that lead to sepsis.
- Tetanus causes death
- Gangrene that can lead to death
- Tremendous headache resulting shock
- Urinary retention due to swelling and blockage of the urethra.
Long-term impacts are:
- Pain while having sex prolonged
- The penis can not enter the vagina and require surgery.
- Sexual dysfunction (unable to achieve orgasm during sex)
- Menstrual dysfunction resulting hematocolpos (accumulation of menstrual blood in the vagina), hematometra (accumulation of menstrual blood in the uterus) and hematosalpinx (accumulation of menstrual blood in the fallopian tubes)
- Chronic urinary tract infections
- Urinary incontinence (unable to hold urine)
- Can occur abscesses, dermoid cysts and keloids (scar tissue hardens)
- Where FGM is a social convention, the social pressure to conform to what others do and have been doing is a strong motivation to perpetuate the practice.
- FGM is often considered a necessary part of raising a girl properly, and a way to prepare her for adulthood and marriage.
- FGM is often motivated by beliefs about what is considered proper sexual behaviour, linking procedures to premarital virginity and marital fidelity. FGM is in many communities believed to reduce a woman's libido, and thereby is further believed to help her resist "illicit" sexual acts. When a vaginal opening is covered or narrowed (type 3 above), the fear of pain of opening it, and the fear that this will be found out, is expected to further discourage "illicit" sexual intercourse among women with this type of FGM.
- FGM is associated with cultural ideals of femininity and modesty, which include the notion that girls are “clean” and "beautiful" after removal of body parts that are considered "male" or "unclean".
- Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support.

The Disaster of Hair Loss, It Easy
Posted on | Saturday, August 6, 2011 | 3 Comments
The Disaster of Hair Loss Take It Easy. Human hair is one of those essential things that form the notion of beauty. Since long time ago hair comprised men power. Everyone knows the sad story of Samson who lost his incredible power after his wife Delilah had cut his long hair off.
Today it's more the matter of beauty and looks rather than strength and power. And basically everyone knows why: plenty of ads, healthy lifestyle propaganda and social dimension of human existence. The problem is that the more we care about our hair, the less hairs we appear to have on our head. The world is facing the disaster of hair loss, which means more time and money will be spent on hair in future.
The problem is somewhere between environmental situation, stress, genes and harder brain work. Yet, hundreds of specialists that try to work the problem out are not quite positive about the real root of the hair loss pandemic all over the world. It's mostly individual and can be either one negative factor or the group of negative factors that contribute to it.
Each hair on human's body has its own follicle to grow from. The follicles produce cells that eventually turn to hairs. So, hairs are those dead cells that have been pushed out of follicle. It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs daily. If a person loses more, that can eventually lead to baldness.
Baldness is not that much devastating as it seems to be. It can be treated more or less successfully by special drugs like Propecia, and what's more - it is not dangerous for your health. Still, the numbers show that about 50% of men of the world suffer from slight or severe baldness and the age groups go down averaging at 30-40.
People that start losing hair usually have to follow simple rules to prevent further hair loss. But if the problem grows to real baldness it is recommended that you consult a specialist first. Anyway, preventing methods are also appreciated. Hair needs care every single day. It is generally advised that you wash your hair due to your hair type and if you do that every day, then you have to find an appropriate shampoo and balsam, especially in summer.
Yet, it is pretty hard to stay cool, when there are so many myths around hair and baldness. Most of them basically touch men as men are considered to suffer from baldness more than women. In fact, men more suffer from the so called horse-shoe pattern around the sides of their head which makes the baldness more visible.
Another matter has something to do with the genetical theory of hair loss attaching a rumor that it is just enough to have a look at a father and you'll see his son when he gets older, which is not biologically correct as assumes the sole influence of father's genes in forming son's cells.
Popular hair loss myths also include:
- it is useless to care about my hair as I cannot prevent my old age baldness anyway;
- baldness can be one of the side effects of shampoo/balsam overuse;
- it is harmful for the hair to wear a hat etc.

Magic, It Contains A Snake Woman
Posted on | Friday, August 5, 2011 | No Comments
Magic, It Contains A Snake Woman At midlife, Rasheedan auntie, was no longer possible to be able to bear children. Feeling the belly like a pregnant woman, she certainly thought she was a baby.Hose seven months later, his stomach getting bigger. But, he increasingly felt increasingly ill with stomach bulge. Feeling of awkwardness in her pregnancy, Bibi was worried.
Residents Chora Saggar, Pakistan, has finally decided to check its contents to the nearest hospital - even though he lives day-to-day poverty ridden. Doctors who deal with then decided to perform an ultrasound scan.
And ... Good heavens!
Not magic is not magic, the sonogram shows that during the seven months he was raising a snake in his stomach.
Allegedly, this bizarre incident stems from the water she drinks. At that time, Aunt drinking water through a jug at his home. He suspected, there was a seed of the serpent in the water and then slipped into his stomach as he drank water.
Strangeness has been felt two months ago. Auntie began to feel the pain in his stomach began to swell. Appetite also jumped. He was even able to spend 14 loaves of bread a day.
To remove the snake from his body, the doctor asked him to dissect. Poor had no money, Aunt also asked for help Prime Minister of Pakistan, Punjab CM.
Fortunately, the government of Pakistan granted the request and who is now a large snake that was successfully removed from the stomach of the poor woman. (Source:

Factors Causing Leukemia Cells
Posted on | Thursday, August 4, 2011 | No Comments
Acute lymphocytic leukemia is more common in children, whereas acute myelogenous leukemia can descend all ages.
Causes of acute leukemia is not known with certainty, but likely factors driving force is a combination of viral genetic, immunologic factors, not resistant to radiation and some chemicals. Symptoms that can occur in acute leukemia, namely: the abnormal bleeding such as nosebleeds, bleeding gums, easy bruising, a red and dark brown spots, anemia, weight loss, the body feels uncomfortable, weak, tired, lose energy, heart rate quick, on bone or stomach pain, pale and prone to infection.
Typically, chronic leukemia occur in adults between the ages of 45-60 years. In chronic lymphocytic leukemia characterized by the uncontrolled spread of small and abnormal lymphocytes in lymphoid tissues, blood and bone marrow. In leukemia have an abnormal accumulation of mature B cells, but there is a rare form of leukemia that involves T cells called T-cell leukemia. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is the most mild type of leukemia, are benign and slow development, and survival can be more than 10 years. Symptoms of chronic lymphocytic leukemia are anemic, always feeling tired, the body feels uncomfortable, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, and are particularly susceptible to infection. The cause of leukemia is not known for certain, but genetic factors (heredity) play a role.
Chronic myelogenous leukemia is also called chronic leukemia granulositik. In these conditions, granulocytes (white blood cells containing granules) had abnormal cleavage in the bone marrow and in tissues. This type of leukemia was held in two phases, namely: chronic and acute phases. In the chronic phase of an increase in the number of granulocytes, anemia, weight loss, fever, and enlarged spleen. In the acute phase of rapid cleavage occurs in cells of immature granulocytes. Usually, at this phase the patient may die. Granulositik chronic leukemia patients may survive long enough if the acute phase can be avoided through chemotherapy.

System of The Male Reproductive Organs and Functions
Posted on | Tuesday, August 2, 2011 | No Comments
Male Reproductive Organs System is one of the most important part on the male body. Parts of the male reproductive system very much, but we have to understand, especially for the man herself. Male reproductive organ system consists of 2 parts in outline, namely: the inner and outer sections.
Any parts of the male reproductive system have their respective functions.
Is erectile tissue which serves to:
Deposit sperm in sexual relations that can be accommodated before intercourse. As an important tool in sex for both creation and procreation.
Anatomical structure there is a section called kapernous that can raise and give tension to the penis.
The Scrotum
The scrotum is the sac that contains the testes. Scrotum numbered pair, namely the right scrotum and the left scrotum. Among the right scrotum and left scrotal septum is limited by the form of connective tissue and smooth muscle (dartos muscle). Dartos muscle serves to move the scrotum so as to constrict and relax. In the scrotum are also artifacts muscle fibers derived from the continuation of the abdominal wall striated muscle is called muscle Cremasteric. This muscle acts as a regulator of testicular temperature environment so that his condition is stable. The process of sperm formation (spermatogenesis) requires a stable temperature, which is several degrees lower than body temperature.
Also called the scrotum. The testes are outside wrapped in a loose scrotum. Is an important tool to form the male hormone, testosterone and sperm to form the seed of men in large numbers. Spermatozoa that have been formed is stored in the channel is sufficient for testis for spermatozoa is not heat resistant and can not stand the temperature is too cold. Loose scrotal skin is used to regulate the temperature so the heat around the spermatozoa are relatively fixed.
Channel connecting the testes with the vas deferens manufactures fluid that contains enzymes and nutrients. Channel with a length of about 45-50 cm, where growth and development of spermatozoa that are ready to perform fertilization.
Prostate GlandsIs forming liquid to be together out during ejaculation in sexual intercourse. This gland is located inside the liquid form and function sperrmatozoa supporters.
Vas DeferensThe epididymis is a continuation of channels that can be touched from the outside. Contraception he made by cutting and closing of this channel so it is not possible, provide pregnancy. A complex system of hormonal male with female, but there are differences on some of the things that is on faculty relations system, central inhibitors puberty, the hypothalamus, pituitary, and testicular glands. Through sensory stimulation, continued in the hypothalamic-pituitary system-testis so gradually be able to receive stimulation.
UrethraThe urethra is the end of the reproductive tract contained in the penis. The urethra serves as a genital tract derived from the bags of cement and channels to remove urine from the bladder.
"Teach your son from now on parts of their reproductive organ system, and tell them how to care for and maintain their most important part to avoid the various diseases."

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