How to Get a Baby Boy or Girl
Posted on | Thursday, August 11, 2011 | No Comments
Each partner would have wanted a baby boy or girl, but in antiquity it can not be regulated in accordance with our wishes. Now the development of more and more time to grow. It is not possible to be realized. Especially in getting a baby boy or girl.There are several methods or ways for us to get the children according to our wishes, but still God who decides everything. Keep praying to Him.
Every time ejaculation, normal male sperm release 2 to 5 sprays. In that duration, the sperm produced about 2 to 5 cc. Normal sperm per cc contains 60-200 million sperm. So every man ejaculate, 120 to 1 billion sperm has been removed from his body.
As we know, there are two genes in the sperm. Androsperma also called Gen Y and Gynosperma which we might call a gene X. Gen Y is the gene that allows us a mother pregnant with girls, whereas the gene X is the opposite. If husband and wife are equally dominant X gene was then most likely, both will have a daughter. But if the father's dominant genes Y and X genes of the mother then the chances of the children born are male. Nonetheless, it is counting logic that never beat the wonders of nature and power of God.
How to calculate ovulation or peak fertility of a woman:
Known to date the beginning of the net of a woman every month, for example, each dated 05.
Known date of the end of the net of a woman every month, for example, each dated 27.
The formula: ((date each month) - (date of each month)) / 2 = n;
then n + net early days of the date of a woman = ovulation or peak fertile period of a woman
Characteristics of spermatozoa:
*Androsperma, carrying the Y gene:
- Moving more slowly.
- Better able to survive longer (an average of approximately 2 to 3 days).
- More resistant in acidic conditions.
- Not stand in a wet atmosphere.
- Gravity has a lighter.
*Gynosperma, carries a gene X:
- Move more swiftly.
- Life is shorter (an average of approximately only 1 day)
- Not stand under acidic conditions.
- More resistant in wet atmosphere.
- Has a heavier weight type.
1. The position of intercourse, body position should be regulated
so that the husband's sperm to reach as close to the mouth
uterus that opens. It required considerable penetration of the penis
in. With the oblique body position is expected to simplify what
2. One study showed that the higher number of sperm cells
who fertilize the egg, then it is likely to have children acquire
men have also increased, one way is to do
"Fast" and carry out when ovulation occurs, by measuring the temperature
wife's body, pay attention to cervical mucus, or by calculation 14
plus minus one day of the next menstrual period.
3. Warm environment will kill the sperm cells, avoid clothes
in a too tight, avoid the sauna bath before intercourse.
4. The atmosphere of the cervix which bases are the most appropriate environment,
female orgasm during this alkaline environment automatically happen.
5. Drink 1-2 cups of coffee before intercourse allegedly
could make it more aggressive sperm cells within the egg.
1. The acidic environment necessary for this process, so that penetration
penises should not be too deep because cervical mucus is more
2. Relationships done about 3 days before ovulation occurs. this
intended that the entire Y sperm die, whereas the X sperm and inseminate living
3. Diets high in calcium and magnesium can also increase the likelihood
growth of female fetuses in the womb.
Another way is medically microsorting ie sperm sorting X and Y is desired, another way is by screening embryos session data.
Baby boys and girls alike. The important thing is how to educate our children to be a good boy. How in your opinion?

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