System of The Male Reproductive Organs and Functions

Posted on | Tuesday, August 2, 2011 | No Comments

Male Reproductive Organs System is one of the most important part on the male body. Parts of the male reproductive system very much, but we have to understand, especially for the man herself. Male reproductive organ system consists of 2 parts in outline, namely: the inner and outer sections.

Any parts of the male reproductive system have their respective functions. 

System of The Male Reproductive Organs and Functions

Is erectile tissue which serves to:
Deposit sperm in sexual relations that can be accommodated before intercourse. As an important tool in sex for both creation and procreation.
Anatomical structure there is a section called kapernous that can raise and give tension to the penis.

The Scrotum
The scrotum is the sac that contains the testes. Scrotum numbered pair, namely the right scrotum and the left scrotum. Among the right scrotum and left scrotal septum is limited by the form of connective tissue and smooth muscle (dartos muscle). Dartos muscle serves to move the scrotum so as to constrict and relax. In the scrotum are also artifacts muscle fibers derived from the continuation of the abdominal wall striated muscle is called muscle Cremasteric. This muscle acts as a regulator of testicular temperature environment so that his condition is stable. The process of sperm formation (spermatogenesis) requires a stable temperature, which is several degrees lower than body temperature.



Also called the scrotum. The testes are outside wrapped in a loose scrotum. Is an important tool to form the male hormone, testosterone and sperm to form the seed of men in large numbers. Spermatozoa that have been formed is stored in the channel is sufficient for testis for spermatozoa is not heat resistant and can not stand the temperature is too cold. Loose scrotal skin is used to regulate the temperature so the heat around the spermatozoa are relatively fixed.


Channel connecting the testes with the vas deferens manufactures fluid that contains enzymes and nutrients. Channel with a length of about 45-50 cm, where growth and development of spermatozoa that are ready to perform fertilization.

Prostate GlandsIs forming liquid to be together out during ejaculation in sexual intercourse. This gland is located inside the liquid form and function sperrmatozoa supporters.

Vas DeferensThe epididymis is a continuation of channels that can be touched from the outside. Contraception he made by cutting and closing of this channel so it is not possible, provide pregnancy. A complex system of hormonal male with female, but there are differences on some of the things that is on faculty relations system, central inhibitors puberty, the hypothalamus, pituitary, and testicular glands. Through sensory stimulation, continued in the hypothalamic-pituitary system-testis so gradually be able to receive stimulation.

UrethraThe urethra is the end of the reproductive tract contained in the penis. The urethra serves as a genital tract derived from the bags of cement and channels to remove urine from the bladder.

"Teach your son from now on parts of their reproductive organ system, and tell them how to care for and maintain their most important part to avoid the various diseases." 


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