Outside Baby Born Happy Content

Posted on | Monday, August 8, 2011 | No Comments

The doctor will generally recommend abortion when the fetus grows outside the womb. Because it would endanger the life of the mother and fetus.

However, the decision Nicolette Soto, 27, to retain the fetus outside the womb and challenging hazards sweet fruit. This tiny baby was born just a wall covered with a thin membrane and muscles in Arizona hospitals, in 32 weeks' gestation. Babies who are born with a birth weight 0.9 kg was declared as a rare event.
Babies Azelan Cruz - the baby is named, develop outside the mother's uterus and attached to the wall outside the womb. The placenta is not yet fully developed eventually attached to the outer wall of the uterus.
The doctor said it's easier to abortion rather than defend it. However, Nicolette and her partner through pregnancy reckless endangering.

In anticipation of complications, during surgery, the doctors prepare a urologist, trauma and radiology, and vascular surgeons in the birthing process. However, the tiny baby born safely without complex surgery.
One of the medical team, Dr. Rodney Edwards, who handles the birth of said cases of babies that grow outside the womb have not been there before. "It's just a case prove to the medical world, that things are not always predictable," he said as quoted by the NY Daily News.

Nicolette just feel her pregnancy at week 18. The doctors suggested he undergo the process of abortion as soon as they face the risk of fallopian tube rupture and fatal blood loss. Embryos are attached to the fallopian tubes, according to the medical team, can solve the fallopian tube at week 12 to 14.


Lost Rahim
Doctors also warned, could lose Nicolette uterus and intestines if not immediately made the appointment. Moreover, in this situation difficult to obtain placental blood supply which will add complexity. But the couple insisted defend their babies.

Since March, Nicolette was admitted to hospital and monitored team of doctors to give birth on Monday last week. The medical team said that the birth is much easier than imagined. There is no specific medical intervention and blood loss can be minimized.

The only thing that is different from the normal operation is a scar larger than the cesarean general. Soto declared healthy and able to go home four days later. Meanwhile, the baby must be hospitalized for three-four weeks before being allowed to go home.


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